Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Pffft!! She-Hulk: Attorney at Law...

Well, not that I’m defending this reprehensible piece of human shit, but the porn was actually sent to the Infowars email account and the FBI concluded that no one actually requested nor viewed the material.

Yup. There is a stretch of highway near my house that is notorious for drivers doing excessive speeds (mainly because the police presence is not that prominent). However, the county decided to crack down and used a helicopter to tag speeders and county police would be waiting for them down the road. The actually

“Councilwoman DeGise was elected overwhelmingly just a few months ago and she has no intention of walking away from the commitment she made to serve the people of Jersey City,” Swibinski said. “She will not resign and plans to complete her full term and continue in public service. To include mowing down her

Still can’t use them. Tried numerous true wireless ear buds and my ear canals are just too fucked up (narrow and “offset”). Even with the smallest rubber tip, they still do not fit tight and would work loose (and eventually start hurting). So far the only ear buds I’ve found that work for me are the Ultimate Ears

I don’t know, I mean the spectacle was spectacular....

Hell, the CCP doesn’t have any problems with dousing their own villages with toxic rocket fuel. They certainly aren’t going to give two regular lengths of shit less about some of their space junk landing on some foreigners house and killing the whole family.

Well, the good news is the San Mateo county board and citizens are not happy about this and are starting an investigation into the Sheriffs and DAs actions.

They didn’t sell for that much when they were brand new. ND

Sounds like they finally hot sick and tired of humans and their shit. Let’s hope they don’t figure out how to use guns.

A buddy of mine had a similar year and model Jeep as this with similar miles (he bought it brand new). He took very good care of it but it got to the point it was just nickle and dime’ing him to death to keep it running. He finally broke down and let it give up the ghost last year. I know in this instance it’s

Yup, I never go in to buy a new (used) car without being pre-approved from my CU.

This is such a stupid comment. Really? Live within your means? Most people do that, and still can’t just slap down tens of thousands of dollars on a new car, or even a decent used car. Actually living within your means means getting a car loan for a suitable, economical car that fits within your budget as opposed to

Yup, my Mom was distracted when she jumped out of her pickup truck, and it ran over her leg, breaking it. She was distracted and forgot to put it in park (this was a older model truck). Distraction can be a killer. Which is what make people using their cell phones while driving so dangerous.

Yup, all these Republicans rail against government overreach (looking at you DeSantis), all the while exercising government overreach. It’s hypocrisy of the highest order.

Used to see them all the time in Germany, but mostly it was the young kids driving them.

Please don’t lump all us Boomers in with the idiots. Some of us can actually think for ourselves and understand stuff like, science, facts, empirical evidence.

So long and fuck off!!

There, FTFY.

This car would go perfectly sitting in the garage next to my other awesome car.