Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Now mount an aquarium in the back and you might have a deal.

It embiggins the credibility of the reporting agency.

The fact that it also wasn’t IN ALL CAPS AND WITH MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! is a dead giveaway as well.

This seems really fucking pointless without a dedicated lane on the US side.

I wouldn’t say a border crossing. Sure it’s a dedicated lane, but only on the Mexico side of the border, Once they cross, they hit the normal lanes like everyone else. Actually seems kinda pointless without a dedicated US lane as well.

Don’t discount the dangers of high dry heat. Sure with heat and high humidity your sweat doesn’t evaporate as optimally as it should and you risk overheating and possibly heat stroke, but you also are very aware of just how much your sweating and how much moisture your body is losing and in many cases, are

Easily NP. I would snatch that up in a heartbeat if it were anywhere near me.

Well that’s much better news!

Ok, gonna say that this probably isn’t for the home DIY repair person. I mean, from the looks of his house and all the equipment he has, he probably shelled out a nice chunk of money to outfit all that. That would require a pretty decent amount of money up front just to get started.

There’s ruins (they’re mostly partially buried) which you can get rare loot from. You can build bases, and also you can become director (mayor) of a settlement now where you have to expand and attend to the citizens needs.

So many props to these Devs putting out so much content\expansions and for free. Hands down beats any other game in the same genre on all the free expansions and content alone. And for me, as the Author noted, it’s a great game to just chill in and explore or go out and do missions and combat, whatever you feel like

I might give the FITS a try. My issue is I have small ear canals which are also not the same shape or angle for each ear. Regular earbuds fit with the smallest tips, but not well and can shift if I move my head in different directions. For 170$ these might just be the ones that work best.

It’s “birds for cocoa puffs”? :D

That’s because Trump thinks it’s dumb that Electors have to go to college to vote for him. They don’t need no college education to vote for him.

And help speed your way to diabetes....

Just my opinion, however I think, at the end of all this, Musk won’t end up being forced to buy Twitter, but he will end up having to pay out, and much more than the $1B fee. In the end, either way, he’ll have to eat shit and I’ll enjoy seeing that.

Two pompous, self absorbed windbag asshats in a war of words? This could go on forever.

Egads! Wargames was the only good movie on that list. All the rest were stinkers.

I also did some further reading, and one of the main hurdles for producing generic insulin is not actually the production part. It is the shipping, storing and distribution. Because insulin has to be stored in heavy glass containers and at cool temps, it may cost more just for shipping\distro than to actually produce

Correction, the patent for synthetic, long lasting insulin expired in 2014. So anyone can now produce a bio-similar.