Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

This is nothing new. Even with the standard key fobs, this is a similar attack. They intercept the signal between the fob and vehicle and can extract the code. Then they simply re-key another fob or similar device with the code. They also can purchase batches of codes on the darknet, and walk around sending out the cod

Yeah! Fuck that noise! Serves him right for using a public bridge in poor condition. It’s not like he fell through into the middle of the freeway, now that would be something to sue for!

That, and at the time he made the initial offer was at a stock price of $54.20, and now (IIRC) it closed out yesterday at some where in the neighborhood of $40. If he buys now, he’s on the hook for the loss. Of course, much of that stock price drop is his fault. If he’d just learn to keep his mouth shut, he’d been

Good, I was hoping Twitter would stick to their guns. Musk is a blowhard and made his choice, a choice BTW that involved waving due diligence. Now he wants to back out of the deal, or renegotiate at a lower price because of... due diligence. Fuck you Musk, you made your poorly chosen bed, now sleep in it.

Is it me, or does the CGI when she’s Hulk’d up look a bit wonky? Something about it just doesn’t quite look right, like the character movements are a little janky.

I would also ask, do you have actual documented research for those numbers? Or are you just going by your best guess? Citation please.

The incident I referenced was both visual (two fighter pilots and two weapons crew, 4 total) and numerous ships radar trackings to include the subsequent fighter infrared radar that you mention. The sightings and contacts happened over the course a a few days. You should read the account from the fighter pilots.

We would have to be the most egotistical race of beings to belive we, out of the entire expanse of the universe, which by all intents is infinite, are the only intelligent life. But also, the odds of another intelligent life form finding and contacting us is it beyond astronomical.

Alien conspiracy theories aside, the Nimitz Tic Tac (2004) incident is pretty compelling stuff. When you have navy jet pilots and two navy ships track craft descend 80,000 feet in less then a second. Then have an almost round roughly fighter jet sized object with no markings, wings or discernible propulsion move at

There, FTFY.

On second look my math is wrong. The report stated that after the craft “disappeared” from in front of the fighter jet, it showed back up on radar “several seconds later” approximately 100 kilometers away. So, being generous, we’ll say 60 miles away, and several seconds could be anything 10 seconds and under. Even

I mean honestly, who could have this tech? It’s just so out there. I’m not saying “aliens” but if it’s ours, we’re not saying and if it was another nation state, we’d have some kind of info on it. We steal each others tech plans all the time.

Yeah, I gotta agree. Someone that petty seems like they would sabotage your vehicle if you did something they didn’t like then claim it was already a defect. I would definitely steer clear of anyone like that offering public services. If you rub them the wrong way and get on their bad side the vindictiveness comes out.

Yeah, it’s always funny when some ahole does some dumb shit, posts it online and then gets a taste of the Streisand effect, then wonders what HE did wrong.

A lot of places here in the US have those too. Here they call them Scorpions, I guess because if the “tail”. But yeah, they’re meant to protect the road crews. Still, I wonder how they would fare against a dump truck which is pretty heavy (especially if laden).

This just happened right by me this past week. Woman stopped on the shoulder with a flat tire, another vehicle pulled up behind her (presumably to help) and when the woman with the flat stepped out of her car, a drunk diver slammed into her. She was killed almost instantly.

Pretty bitchin!

Are you referring to the following from the article?


Wasn’t it Red Bull who also drifted and hooned all over a UNESCO heritage site in Ukraine?