Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Not that I don’t believe you but I’m going to have to see you cite some actual articles or links that support your statements that even owning a picture of gun parts can get you arrested.

Great song. I was actually delivering office supplies (I had just discharged from the Army) in and around Phoenix, Tempe, etc at the time off Doug Hopkins death. In fact, I often drove past the condos he lived in at the time and on the day he killed himself. I remember there being a lot of cops and medical at the

Not basically, it is a cruise missile. A Hypersonic Cruise Missile is what it is actually called. Previous cruise missiles were\are supersonic (slightly faster than the speed of sound), while to be considered hypersonic, it has to travel at least 5 times the speed of sound.

The ironic part of this is at one point, Ukraine had the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, 3rd to only the US and Russia. Both of those countries were largely responsible in talking Ukraine into giving up it’s nuclear arsenal under guarantees it’s sovereignty would be protected by said nations. Look what that

My buddy had one when I was stationed at Ft Lewis in Washington state (late 80s). The back hatch had a sort of cover over so when you closed it it was sort of a rear dash thing. Anyway, we ended up cutting a hole in it (it was pretty flimsy) and would stash a party ball of beer in a plastic tub back there and feed the

Wow! I mean what else does that 260z Need?! Nothing! That’s what! It’s got it all in one gaudy package. Big ass chrome rims! Check! Flames! Check! Giant obnoxious spoiler! Check! American Flag! Check! Screaming Eagle with talons integrated into said American Flag! Triple check! It all gives me such a patriotic

Well considering you seem to get into so many jams, perhaps you could use an Electronic Sub-Etha Signaling Device. You know, and Electronic Thumb.

Hey look everyone. It’s Stevie the Communist and Russian Propagandist coming here to tell everyone how butthurt they are. Speaking of butthurt, how is Mother Russia doing to day Comrade?

Well, I’m going to go the opposite as the articles Author and not shame them. It’s an EV for fucks sake! Instead of shaming them, maybe praise them (a little) for picking an EV, albeit a monstrosity of one, over an equally monstrous ICE behemoth. Because I guarantee you if they announce a new, ICE version of Hummer,

This comes around about once every decade or so. Some car company comes up with a “new and exciting” approach to the hydrogen engine. Only to have it go nowhere for many reasons (many of which are stated here) and that approach ends up quietly fading into the background.

Thank you for sharing a little about your life and struggles as Transgender. Being the Father of a Transgender Man, it was no surprise to me when he came out as Trans. In fact, much of my Sons story is similar to yours, first coming out as Queer, which I always suspected and had no problem with, but his mother just

Those side chains keep getting owned!

I mean it looks sorta cool in a “death by frontal collision” sort of way. And really, other than using it to haul stuff around a farm when would you actually drive this thing? Probably not on the streets. If you’re looking for a utilitarian, no frills hauler you can certainly pick one up cheaper. Other than for a

If you didn’t like that Elvis movie then don’t watch Clambake. It’s pretty VLV only with speed boats.

This looks pretty fucking awesome. Definitely gonna have to check this out.

Is that a goatee? I thought a goatee had to involve chin hair at some level. I think what LB is sporting there is known as a Horseshoe.

Because the only way to pass two cars doing top speed is TO POP A WHEELIE! Otherwise you’re just not going to make it.

Now playing

Plus, they have record (Scooby and Shaggy).

There it is! Now we know the basis of your viewpoint. It has nothing to do with Nazis or fascism, it’s that you’re a self professed communist and Ukraine kicked out all the communists and you just can’t stand that. And seeing as Putin would like nothing more than to unite all the former communist Russians states under

Yes, Stalin, my mistake.