Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Bingo! He's nothing more than an extreme right wing GOP bobble head parroting theirs and Russias talking points.

Yup, it's the same thing with closet racists. They start the conversation with "I'm no racist" and then proceed to make statements that actually show how racist they are. In his case it's "I'm no fascist" and then proceeds to make statements showing just how fascist he is.

Yup. If it was truly about as Steve the Russian propagandist professed, they would have sided with the UK when they signed the protection pact with Poland. Russia was just butt hurt over losing all those territories after WW1 and saw their chance to reclaim them.

It’s definitely waaaaay off. He keeps focusing on the fascist ant in the room (Ukraine) while completely and obliviously ignoring the huge ass fascist elephant in the room (Russia). It’s the same with him in many of these articles.

Yeah, he seems to be following the Putin playbook, play for play. Between Russia misdirection to his revisionist history.

YES! It’s that Doctor Strangelove level of paranoia that antifa will steal and impurify their precious bodily fluids.

Yes, yes yes, straw man and all that.

Oh, and BTW, since you want to bring up Urkraine and WW2, I noticed you also failed to mention Russia and WW2. Perhaps you forgot about the non-agression pact Russia had with Nazi Germany. Or the fact that they helped Nazi Germany invaded and kills millions prior to Germany essentially stabbing them in the back and

And that was AFTER they all consolidated into one big party for the elections.

Hell, just read some of the latest “manifestos” put out ny Putin, or listen to any of his latest speeches. They all read and hear like they’ve been taken straight from Mien Kampf or any one of Hitler’s national speeches leading up to the invasion of Poland and thus the start of WW2. Talk about fascist Nazism.

So are you saying all Ukrainians fighting are Nazis? Or are you one of those that focuses on a very small subset of the population and goes “Look! Look!, Nazis! Nazis everywhere!”. If that’s the case then pretty much any population in any white culture can be deemed “fascists”. The fact that they never even won any

Bezos...is that you?

Well that, and also him advocating for the assassination of Putin. Other than those two things, Graham can chug a bag of dicks (which I’m pretty sure he does, late at night, in seedy motels).

Yeah, but then where’s the fun in that and denying that you know or even give a fuck who they are? That just infuriates them even more, which is a lot of fun to do.

You forgot to add Trumps nuts which Cruz gargles regularly.

UHhuhuhuhuhuh! You said “tranny hump”!

Maryland: Overall just horrendous drivers. But we have the Left Lane Guardians. These people are similar to Left Lane Campers, only when you try and go around them, they will speed up to keep you from getting into the left lane in front of them.

While it may not be the “best” open world game, my favorite is mostly based on nostalgia and would have to be The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It was the first truly open world game I ever played. I took a weeks vacation when it released so I could close the blinds, turn off the lights and play the game non-stop for

While it may not be the “best” open world game, my favorite is mostly based on nostalgia and would have to be The

Yes, most major US cities have “parking wardens”, a sperate force who’s job is to go around and mark vehicles, ticket and boot if necessary.

The whole system is rigged and designed to work in favor of the banks\creditors. No matter what you do to increase your credit score, there will be something in the reporting industry that is counter to what you do and will, instead, decease your score.