Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Wiring harness’ and wiring diagrams are available online. If you don’t mind the tediousness of rewiring the car, plus get a mechanic to help with the carb, seems like relatively little work for a mostly retsored beautiful car. For that price I say NP.

Yup, same here. I have several Moka pots. the small one is used most but I have a lager one for when we have guests. Except I use an electric frother, game changing. Just pour in the half and half, hit the button. Heated and frothed in like 20 seconds.

Yup, same here. I have several Moka pots. the small one is used most but I have a lager one for when we have guests.

Moka pot is all I use. Best coffee.

Moka pot is all I use. Best coffee.

Yeah, but then you can’t say “I drove a rocket powered go kart!”. That just sounds cool to say. No ones gonna think your cool saying “I drove an electric go kart!”. Yeah? So? Besides, they already have electric go karts.

It’s missing two oversized American flags attached to poles and trailing off the back. That and what’s with that interior wall lining? Is that sound proofing so no can hear the screams of the kidnapping victim trussed up and thrown in the back?

And you are your own advertisement for this. Keep trying though, maybe one day you’ll get it.

I’m a sucker for these old station wagons. Seeing one always reminds me of when I was a kid and my family would make the yearly trek from AZ to IL (and back). My parents would fold down all the back seats and my Brothers and I would spread our blankets out and have the whole back to ourselves. Our favorite toys,

They did in 1991. They banned the use of lead shot for all waterfowl hunting nationwide.

Yeah, as you said. Pretty sure helicopters and such just can’t willy nilly pass back and forth over and international border. It just doesn’t work like that.

This Simpsons quote always reminds me of David.

Yeah, I’m no fan of Teslas’ but c’mon, 90 in a 30 zone. Totally the drivers fault. It sucks that the family lost a loved one but they’re reaching on this one.

C’mon, fess up. That secret sauce is actually just your own breath.

Or you know, something along these lines...

But if motorcycles already have their own lane, why would they filter...oh wait. :D

Ditto, my next car purchase is going to an EV and it IS NOT going to be a Tesla.

The Troll says...

Another billion stars!

Musk, the billionaire version of a vapid adolescent.

I wish I could give you a billion stars for this.

We just had this happen here in MD with a light rail (commuter) train and car. The driver was a teen from Florida, the warning barricades were down and he chose to drive around them and right in front of an oncoming train. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene. Trains are massive heavy objects and cars are