Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

A solution.

LOL! yeah, here in the US, they would have been riddle with 100's of bullets for trying to ram LE.

IF, and I say IF (because I don’t know the exact details) they surrounded the drivers car and prevented him from being able to leave the area, then yeah, I can see false imprisonment, regardless of whether they threatened him with violence or not. If they didn’t prevent him from leaving, then the DA is full of shit.

The Guinea worm is relying on that.

Or “Im no racist, but...”

I can attest to the shady and illegal ways these companies went about putting people into homes they couldn’t afford. I worked IT for a major mortgage company during the boom and up until the collapse. This particular company dealt strictly in subprime loans. They made a shit ton of money up until the market

There’s one always parked in the parking lot at work when I get in to work in the morning. And I’m pretty sure it’s one of the Polestar Limited Edition trim ones as it’s that bright blue they only came in. It’s a pretty nice looking hatchback, I have to admit.

So, was it the dino who had sex with the horse, or the other way around?

Much like driving on AZ highways in the summer time, only it’s a cloud of tire debris. Not a good idea for commercial vehicles to use retreads in AZ during the summer. You see them blow and send a cloud of tire debris behind them all the time. The roadside is littered with tire debris.

Just to play devils advocate, there could be an argument that being able to “disable” a vehicle, in time, could virtually eliminate high speed cars chases that seem to always end up in some innocent person(s) hurt or killed.

Yeah, a six pack and 2 mixed drinks...sure buddy! Typically people like that will understate what they actually drank. So I’m guessing a six pack, 6 mixed drinks and a couple of shots.

To me this is not valid “hypermiling”. I mean c’mon, if you doing 20 in a 45 then your not actually hypermiling IMHO. Especially if you’re trying to break a record. In that case why not go only 15, or 10 or 5 MPH. It’s no different. To me, true hypermiling would be trying to squeeze as much mileage as possible from a

Yeah, I never get all pissed off when I get cut off or something like that. Hell, I rarely honk my horn, usually only to warn the other driver if they are close to hitting me.

Well, you can buy pepper spary with dye, so why not glitter. A little color and sparkle never hurt anyone (well, except the person being pepper sprayed).

The best kind is the gel type. Almost no chance of blowback into your own face, can be used indoors, sticks to the skin and when they inevitably rub their eyes and face, it just spreads it around even more and makes it so much worse. ;)

I just came here to say something similar. :)

And they didn’t think to remove the straw from the canister first?


I was thinking the same thing. And it’s not like the occupants of the Kia were threatening him (that I could tell). Their window was mostly up and it looked like he just got a bad case of RR and was trying to get the driver to step out of the vehicle at a red light. He should be charged with attempted murder, though I

I don’t know, I think those right wing nubes heads might explode when the Prius guy invokes the “stand your ground law” as justification for shooting the other guy. I mean, they like to invoke that law every time some white brosef shoots a person of color.