Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

In the grand scheme of things and the US economy, that’s not a lot and I’m all for it. I would not have an issue with my tax dollars paying for an all electric USPS fleet. The benefits greatly outweigh the costs IMHO.

Hmm, the plot looks suscpisciously similar to a movie of the same name done in 2005.

So, according to the ad, it starts and runs...without belts apparently.

I wish I would have known this a few years back when we got stuck on the tarmac (bad weather) for just over 4 hours. Myself and a number of other passengers wanted off as we had relatives relatively close and could stay with them overnight to come back the next day. However the airlines refused to let anyone deplane.

Yep! If they can’t produce this “evidence” then it’s not evidence. It’s just them saying they did it. Which doesn’t hold water without evidence. They seem to not understand how evidence works.

Let’s be clear. This is all about his self inflated sense of ego, full stop! He could give two regular lengths of shit less about the “vulnerable people”, he is just drunk on the power he thinks he wields being able to hold up major legislation. What a fucking turd!

I’m just gonna leave this right here... yeah.

I was thinking something similar. They get up to cruising speed then deploy the “sail(s)“ and let it do most of the work, with the engine still working, yet at a much lower power level. Similar to how many ICE engines have that option where once they get to cruising speed on the highways a number of the cylinders are

They sure do...based on your race!

Ah yes, the US Justice system. White people do far worse (and intentionally) and get far, far less time in prison (or none at all, looking at you Sacklers). Brown person who made some mistakes (unintentional) and goes to prison for 110 years.

I don’t know. Look at those little 4x4's like the Sidekick. With the right mods, those things are like little mountain goats that can go just about anywhere. I think something like this would be similar with the right mods.

I really don’t get the mentality of “why you spending all that money to go to space when you could be, blah blah blah”. I mean, it’s his money, who’s to say he’s not already giving millions away to different causes?

Yeah, It’ll be some form of Tesla NFTs... and the Muskettes and Telsa fanbois will eat it up like his shit is made of sugar and gold.

Maybe if he tweets he’s against subsidies for EV car companies and the underlying infrastructure, Musk will give him a Tesla Plaid. Problem solved!

Hm, can’t decide if sarcasm or not....

Elon Musk’s cool ass!!

Yes, sorry my mistake, I stand corrected. I was thinking of the Model Y and not the Model 3.

Some could say the same about Tesla. They haven’t exactly been consistent with their build quality.

That beats the almost 60K for a base model Tesla.