Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy
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Ural sidecar motorcycles. Watch some of the videos of those things going just about anywhere. I watched one video where a couple of Urals were flying down this gnarly dirt road and the lead one rolled and caught fire. They quickly put the fire out (it appeared some gas leaked onto the hot engine block), up-righted it,

I don’t know, that thing looks like it would topple onto it’s side at even a slight angle.

This is so funny because a similar thing happened to me. I was going through a light, right next to a middle school, when I braked because the school busses started coming out from the school in my direction and one went a little wide almost into my lane. As soon as I braked, BAM! rear ended by an Audi. The guy

I sat in one of these in Germany not long after they first came out. Those doors are pretty wild.

Only second to “Hold my beer!”

I mean, they could have at least done each season based on each novella of each book. However, that would mean they would have to commit to a number of seasons in advance, flesh out each season in draft, secure casting, etc. And for something of that scale, would take a massive commitment on Apples part. And

Or, you know, just have a manual neutral lock like most push button start, electronic shift cars nowadays have for when you lose battery power.

I’m going with Angel Dust, or possibly Meth. Those action movie combat rolls are the stuff of drugs.

I need both of these vehicles in my driveway!

Ah yes, the righteous indignation of the anti-truck person. We stand in awe at your shining righteousness, knowing we could never be as good as you and can only wish, nay pray, that you deign to step down, even if ever so briefly, from your mighty pedestal upon high which you sit, to touch us and bestow upon us even a

Why? I can see your point if it was an honest to god accident. But it wasn’t, it was intentional and afterwards she showed a complete lack of remorse. Psychopath in the making. As some others have stated, fuck this girl and her life. Charge her with manslaughter and have her do adult time. When she gets out (still a

“Those of you who subject your trucks to harsh punishment on a regular basis: does every battle scar stick in your craw or do you just accept it for coming with the territory?”

1st Gear: Because, you know, GM certainly doesn’t want to be replacing other peoples cars, houses, office buildings, etc when a Bolt catches fire and the fire could possibly spread.

Ditto. I know with most cars safety features nowadays that 55MPH safe speed deal is no longer relevant, still, you need to keep in mind the human factor in driving.

David, might I suggest an Army field way of bathing that doesn’t subject you to genital retracting frigid waters. Wipes (like the kind you find in most bathrooms nowadays), baby powder and body spray. Use in that order. It may not be a full on bath with soap, but it will do the job and at least you won’t stink of BO

I agree. I’d love to have an all electric truck, and Ford seems to be doing it right. Rivian seems nice and all, but I’ve learned from Tesla launch that there can be growing pains with a new vehicle maker. I’d rather go with one that has decades of experience. Plus with options like whole home backup power, Ford is

In MD, the plates belong to you and follow you. In other words, If you sell your car, you take the plates with you. The new owner has to register the vehicle under his own name with new plates. If you no longer need them you have to turn them back over to DMV. If not, they will still charge you for tags.

I guess the soccer career didn’t pan out....

Or the rear...
