
Upsets are the norm in SFV. This game rewards luck far more than skill.

You can see the carpets farther back slightly clearer because previously the game’s soul was hanging in front of them. Or something.

Yeah... no. The old one is blurry and your imagination somehow filled in gaps with artistic reasoning. It didn’t lose any “soul”.

I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.

“The gameplay remains untouched” The fact that the writer wrote that means he doesn’t know enough about the game to be qualified to write a post about it. Typical kotaku writers though.

Take the ending of ME3. Were people upset that the ending was “bad” full stop?

Nah. I don’t buy that one second. If that was true, people wouldn’t be so furiously pissed off when a narrative doesn’t end the way they want it to.

Why don’t they just build more dragons?

Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.

The Root is a joke of a site. I haven’t seen worse writing from a professional site ever.

Careful, Yesha Callahan trolls comment sections just waiting to call someone a racist, you racist!

Hmmmmm but it’s hard to choose. Guy who kept his wife hostage in his mansion vs guy who says bad words. I know, it’s a tough one.

Fucking the earth with a penis made out of molten rock?

Not read The Root?

But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?

Those are some cool joycons, but not 199 dollars cool.

On the flip side, these are gorgeous

So because the opponent got a particularly unlucky low damage roll, and then also got a particularly unlucky roll to avoid the sleeping pokemon not waking up, that somehow confirms your emotional bias and need to feel superior to others by excluding them based on not sharing your preferences?

I’ve never been a fan of your work. At all. But I wish you the best.

There's sex, and then there's, underneath this umbrella of sex, this.

Like how banging a prostitute or your man can be VERY different situations. though yes, both involve sex.

Disclaimer: I practice nude figure drawing, so if anyone's going to prude me, I will pull that card out as a rebuttal.