
We're all familiar with the etymology behind "Xbox"—it's a truncation of "DirectX Box."

Pokemon is turning into Yu-gi-oh

I was gonna complain a little it was a sentient sword, then I saw that it was ghost type and that just makes it AWESOME instead.

I'm impressed you brought that back around to video games


We were fair. Anyone who believes otherwise did not read the entire story, or read it through the lens that coverage of negative elements of the FGC = unfair. I have no problem with how we presented yesterday's story about Noel Brown, and if it happened again, we'd take the same approach.

I don't think it needs to be justified one little bit.

Yeah, cuz porn exists on its own plane, totally unconnected to rape culture. We should ignore it completely.

Don't say you got really lucky. Say, "we did a fucking awesome job". Parenting is hard. You deserve a pat on your back.

My son is such a good boy, it freaks me out sometime. He is respectful of others and tries to be helpful in our family. Yes, sometimes he has the television up too loud, or makes too much noise playing video games, but for the most part, he is a good kid. We got reeeaaally lucky.

I had a stranger tell me once (tantrum was happening) that I should hit my child and then he offered to hit my child for me.

Maybe it's because I'm not big on kids, or maybe I just meet a lot of shitty parents, but I feel like a lot of kids are assholes. And if there is one thing I absolutely hate is when strangers ask other strangers to discipline their kids. For example:

They're doing their extra jump move (the one that saves you from falling off the ledge). They just both happen to be doing it right next to each other.

that's funny how this game will be illustrating the new PRISM issue everybody is talking about.

If I requested you address me as King, and you refused to do so, would you be being disrespectful towards me if I were not, in fact, a King? Or would you just be calling it how it is?

It's not about preferences, it's about gender identity, which is a real phychological trait. If you want to believe that your junk should be the center of your identity, that's fine, but for most people, the core of ones identity lies within the mind. Anything else is superfluous.

I agree with you that if it's not relevant, don't mention it. We really didn't need to know that she's trans, it was completely irrelevant to the the article.

I like Totilo, and honestly think that him and his moderation staff will do a good job commenting, but, um, I'm not wild about some of the people protesting about mistreatment. As an example, there's this whole Penny Arcade thing, in which Gabe basically said "women have vaginas," in response to a game targeted at

The controversy is about the fact that he guy said that the definition of a woman is someone with a vagina. I'm sorry, but this is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.