
This. This is why I stopped caring about Pokemon. Not because I grew up, and not expressly from the visual design changes. But the fact that they want you to know SO MUCH, and EV train, and deal with not just crazy new moves but abilities. It's all a bunch of bullshit.

Damn right, fucking miners, digging up coal and shit.

It means damn kids with their rock music and their CD playing stereos and their high faluting attitudes.

From what I've heard, there is a simple patch that fixes all the issues, making it identical to the console versions. Hook up a controller, and you're good to go, as I also heard trying to play on a keyboard and mouse sucks.

I'm so happy Kotaku allowed this counter-point to be posted. The original writer seemed to live in an entitled fantasy world. This guy actually gets it. You don't start off at your dream job, you have to work hard and put up with all sorts of crap to get where you want to be at work (and in life in general). Good

"the Old Testament’s Book of Enoch inspired Ascension of the Metatron."

Just a heads up, the Book of Enoch is not part of the Old Testamant (canonical OT). It's considered biblical apocrypha, particularly one of the pseudepigrapha.

Definitely harmless.

'Blonde lady' is seated behind me at the moment and when I told her about this, she said "Blonde lady? I'm not a lady!" Ha!

Your defending this pretty vigorously dude, but nobody is claiming its bad cosplay, just that he doesn't look like he really IS Solid Snake. Its like, I can look at him and say "Oh its a cosplayer doing Solid Snake, cool." and not "Holy Shit that guy is a living personification!".

Its not a bad thing, really. I mean

" We're here to bring Kotaku readers the best gaming deals available"

why would any sane gamer eat cheetohs while gaming? they cheese and grease up your hands, which in turn cheese and grease up your controller/mouse+keyboard.

link to the images of all the suits, dammit!!

wtf is tHAT:LASFAJVHLDCSL?JEVI:LUOAF?S<>VKNLDLHFKD"A?F:WJVKNLC<SKL:UARHUEGDVA?>FN<CVK:LZXOXIHFAESKDFKVHDOIA:L:KFVZC dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

a game developer is not a slave

Everyone dies at some point let's legalize murder.

Well they do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

It's a simple difference in culture. I'm surprised nobody dismissed it as that.

Cool misogyny bro.