
How long until Ketchapp releases a mobile game where you have to climb radio towers?

Kill jester

This is a damn hipster problem. Wear those tight ass pants and kill your phone. Come over to the magical world of cargo shorts. I have room for my phone, a fax machine, a side of beef, a wallet, and interestingly enough, spare cargo shorts.

I am loving the “no-fucks-given” attitude Blizzard’s been showing with their bans.

What drives me nuts is she’s almost always paired with a Hanzo or Widowmaker. (And occasionally both.) So now, minus your tank, you have 3 of your 6 already taken. You don’t have any decent damage, and you either have to take a healer to actually, you know, get heals, or go damage and hope you know where those health


The hard part with Ana is you have to go in knowing that she can’t be a main healer/support, unlike Lucio or Mercy. She’s like Zenyatta in that she complements their healing/damage output/movement. With her, it’s using her grenades to complement the healing. Combining her grenades with Lucio’s Amp it Up can pretty

sharts fired


In answer to your question:

You definitely could amend the Constitution, but good luck with that one.

but.. the final boss..

This just in: Bran is a giant dick through time and space.

I wouldn’t have known that was any incarnation of Harley Quinn if you hadn’t told me.

As a former Xbox One owner, allow me to say:

I totally lost my shit when this happened. Crash Bandicoot was such a big part of my childhood and I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time I played. I also loved the jabs about it taking forever to load and how people just want their games to be instantaneous.

I don’t really think ‘tit pic’ is a phenomenon in the way dick pics are, but we do write about video game breasts pretty often. You’d know this if you actually read Kotaku.com!

I expect this to be in Fahey’s hands by the end of the week!