
Probably said below but Hemsworth actually doesna decent stab at a Scottish accent but wow, as a Scotsman, Chastains was horrible 90% of the time. If she wasn’t riffing northern Scots she was Irish!

Haven’t used the FUGS yet but I’ve been loving the Farron Greatsword that dual wields with the parry dagger. The L1/LB attack on that if you have the stamina to get out three hits is almost an instant kill in PvP. It worked exceptionally well again the Soul of Cinder as well. The Irithyll straight sword you get just

I’m late replying to this one but I have to disagree with peanut M&Ms being the best. Everyone knows it’s the crispy ones that come in the blue pack. They taste a little like nutella and the Malteser style crispy centre just tops it off.

Best thing I can recommend for DS3 is kill the samurai dude to the left of Firelink Shrine cos he drops a Uchigatana and its a great starter weapon whether used one-or-two handed.

It was gonna be Quantum Break but it just not working for me so it’s getting swapped for Dark Souls 3 tomorrow.

If it works the same as the PvE update, then it will go on what you have in your inventory and stash to prevent folk from wearing low end gear and then changing it once they enter the DZ. Hopefully it’ll bring that bit more balance cos at the moment I really hate getting steamrolled by folk usually at level 65+ when

Aye, looked like the poor bugger needed a hug more than he needed Munchkins. At least if you were stuck Glasgow airport you could have had a “nice” Greggs sausage roll. You need to come to the UK and try some of our fast food.

Haven’t read all the comments so maybe it’s just me that’s a doubter but, what if the parents actually got a PS4 in that box and they put the wooden block in and then made the whole thing up? Everyone blames the store or a potential previous owner, but there’s always the chance the family are to blame. Do it at