Matthew Prior

No, you have a great point. There’s clearly no surf zone attached to the wave, which is probably just a technical limitation that was deemed acceptable for expediency. The wave just kind of peters out because that’s where the texture for it is placed, while having a surf zone would require a patch of ground to

In the books, there was pretty much a massive loss of life on Behemoth as everyone not strapped in went flying. Everyone else had varying degrees of injury and it became a plot point that they needed to spin the ring to bring gravity up to get blood draining out of wounds properly and do proper medical treatment.

I haven’t seen season 2 yet, but in season 1 when Syd switched with David, the bodies switched places when it wore off, so that they were in the same locations but were abruptly themselves again.

Looks like bathroom style mirrors to me.

I believe they have made improvements in system stability against these attacks, but a server still has to take processing time to differentiate a fake request from real ones, and DDoS is basically about flooding the entry servers to the point where nothing is going in or out. It’s pretty hard to do anything about

I remember in an interview they said you couldn’t be logged into the live game and the app at the same time, so it doesn’t really save you going to the class hall (unless they changed that requirement), but is great for keeping it rolling while at work in the day.

Actually 7.1 has a mini-raid that goes between Nightmare and Nighthold, so it’ll be before then. Kara will basically be running simultaneous with Nighthold or open slightly before it.

In James S.A. Corey’s Expanse series, there’s a generation ship that has a giant lengthy spinnable drum as part of its design. (Babylon 5 style, from what I gathered above?)

I think that ModDB would be skewed towards older games because most recent AAA releases are primarily on NexusMods, like Fallout4 or Skyrim. I’d say they’re enough of different communities to not be worth comparing, with different scales of download and endorsement volume. The top Fallout4 mod (adding full dialog