
“Mr. Trump loved it”

He didn’t say he resigned last night.  He said he offered to, but Trump said “let’s talk in the morning”.

So his current business model is... chatting up rubes on the internet?

Has he considered getting a real job?  Trump keep saying unemployment is at a record low or something, especially for my African American over there, my Latino over there and my LGBT over here!

So... I guess if I have to ask “is it ‘Telegraph’ or ‘Telegram’?” then that would mean, yeah... i’ve never heard of that thing before.

He definitely farted. There are 4 elements that, put together, paint a clear picture of flatulence emitted by Seb v. Gorka

1. Obviously, the sound.
2. As mentioned also, the slight pause right after. But look also at:
3. There is a slight flinch in his shoulders when the cheese is being cut.
4. Right after he briefly

Are Trump supporters running a pool on WHEN Omar will be assassinated? What the fuck is wrong with these people?!

the worst part of all is a woman said this. Holy shit.

I agree, that final empty chair is a powerful image. Because precisely, as someone said, it is so wide open to interpretation. I have read yours and I agree and feel them as well, but in my mind, the first impression I had was that it was Cosby’s chair. The one he’s never sat down to, never faced these women, never