
It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.

Reminds me more of a forgotten indie from 2011 called Capsized.

Eh, i don’t know. If it was my burned up corpse I’d be fine with it being immortalized in a game asset assuming that I (or my next of kin) had signed off on it in some way (such as making the images public domain). But anatomy doesn’t really bother me (I’ve watched full dissections while eating a sandwich) and I

Game looks fun and I thought the trailer was fine in that it got me interested in the game. *shrugs*

It’s weird because yes what’s happening in Ukraine is bad and wrong but......the US invade like 3-5 countries the previous two decades(devastating them for the foreseeable future) and nothing? I’m really confused about what exactly Russia is doing differently. 

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

He may be copying the pay thing (though I expect it was more to head off any investor revolt) but I doubt he’ll copy any of the rest of Iwata’s mindset of trying new things, always be creative, and putting fun first.

What you have to understand is Kotaku’s user base is dominated by a special brand of anti-intellectual that thinks devaluing math and hard science in favor of pedastalizing liberal arts and soft science is cool.

Am I experiencing some schadenfreude, here? Sure. At the same time, a lot of people got suckered into these scams and their lives (and the lives of people who rely on them) are gonna be pretty fucked as a result of them losing all their money buying goddamn NFTs and whatever.

While I agree with your general point I don’t think it helped much in the toxicity department. I played a pretty big range of shooters and Overwatch has in my experience one of the most toxic communities out there. True, people didn’t know your exact stats but they just used your perceived performance to bash you

Or it won’t be fixed because Sony hates legacy support.

Okay, the antique weapons that lose value the moment you use them is a pretty funny gag, though.

Interesting piece. So is the one linked below, which is one of several as I recall where Kotaku openly chastised ‘gamers’ for crying “But muh accuracy!” at Battlefield V including women soldiers during WWII, going so far as to imply they were sexist for calling out what they felt was clear corporate pandering. Times

Just spread some Bible pages on top of them. Problem solved.

If nothing else, companies should give series a proper ending to protect their IP. A lot of people don’t like watching shows that don’t have proper endings. That makes them harder to sell to streaming services.

These are all games which have been out for a long while. The vast majority of people who are taking these free offers would never have purchased the game at the normal retail price, and probably not even with a deep sale discount. When you consider that, these deals are probably very profitable for the devs.


It’s fucking awful!! but thank god for that latest tab!

The Herb is really trying to turn G/O media into 2005 Forbes.com but worse, huh.

The Games With Gold lineup is pretty... good? I already own Saint’s Row 2 on PC but the multiplayer on Xbox was better, just sayin’. Arguably, SR2 had the best story campaign of open world titles in the 2000s.

It’s Tina Fey’s show and she can do what she wants with it.