
“Supra friends”

Mr. Bean is alive and well!

You forgot the most movie star jeep of them all.

The Buzzfeed Edition Jeep is Best Jeep

“That there is a real nascar.”

PIKACAR, I choose you!!


Is there a dumbest fucking comment of the day? There should be a dumbest fucking comment of the day. DFCD. Sir you win. This is the dumbest fucking comment of the day.

actually... its faster in reverse... coz i like to get out of trouble faster than i got into it.....

uhh. thats not how this works. thats not how any of this works.

Best viewed with Netscape Navigator.

Back in 1993 I was shopping for one of those mammoth, oil embargo-era Caddy convertibles, and found one to look at in nearby Ypsilanti, MI. I went with a buddy, and upon arrival neither of us were very impressed with what we saw. It was a run-down place that sold only vintage Cadillacs, most of which were more used