
I agree that it seems like the altright is cherry-picking the bad parts of ME:A to highlight (although pewdiepie did a video making fun of Andromeda yesterday so its sort of a mainstream opinion now).

I finished Hearts of Stone last weekend and now I’m like a one-man street team for that DLC, it’s so damn good. About halfway through Blood&Wine now. I prefer out-in-the-muck Geralt to high-society Geralt, but it’s still an amazing story so far.

So disappointing to see people defend a person they like and feel did nothing malicious.

So every buzzfeed-tier news site just lurks 4chan 24/7 now I guess? What a career.

I think it’s worth noting he also told these guys to say “Subscribe to Keemstar” while holding the sign, Keemstar being a rival youtuber. The implication there being that you WOULDN’T want to be associated with the sign, so in a way pewdiepie is already signaling that he didn’t agree with the statement. I thought it

U mad bruh? Just give me a lil fist bump...you’ll feel way better

This looks awesome. What ever happened to that Earthbound USA documentary?