
I love these things. Thanks.

What has the high road ever gotten us? Further behind.

Exactly. It same as Democrats calling on Franken to resign for being creep, while Republicans heartily endorse Moore for being child rapist. Republicans hold selves to no standard whatsoever, but have no issues chiding Democrats for not holding selves to very high standard.

I like seeing news organizations taking responsibility for errors their reporting. Albeit, you only see progressive/liberal news organizations doing it. Far be it from places like fox to make corrections and take action for the shit they sling on a daily basis. Instead of admitting they made a mistake, they double

Problem is they just look at this as proof of the liberal FAKE NEWS media while Fox News just sweeps all their blatant lies under the rug.

In an era where the slightest bit of human error is jumped on by actual fascists who peddle propaganda and then decry the truth as “FAKE NEWS”, real journalists have to be whiter than white and hold themselves to high standards.

This is why hearthstone can never be a true competitive game. It is far too random.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

Miller uses CGI the way it should be used; to augment practical sets and effects. I don’t care how advanced the technology is, full landscapes or sets still look distractingly like video games.

I think it would only be fitting that if this series somehow ends up as a large book it is used by Matt Damon to break a dude’s face.

So now we get to your REAL position. It’s not that the amount isn’t “paltry”, but rather that you simply oppose the player’s right to protest. And, BTW, I can take a knee at my office any time I want to.

That seems like a “you” issue, not a “them” issue.

All very subjective (that’s criticism). Every project-project is a passion project. You put effort into it. Where is the line? For Ryan Reynolds, “Deadpool” was well-known as a passion project; he’s the lead, does that make it a vanity project? Did Orson Welles’ movies, considered some of the greatest ever made,

Look at every other top critic’s review on RT before dismissing it based on this one. If this still seems like the most believable one, then do it. He very well might be right! He just currently is by far the most extreme outlier.

That’s a lot of power to give to IV.

Bad plastic surgery? This sounds more plausible all the time.

There absolutely is and it’s worth being explored! This isn’t exploration, though. We aren’t getting any insight into why this guy likes bottoming in D/s scenes. This is just messy shorthand for “This guy is a sicko” by people that should know better.

I think there’s far less subtext than you’re trying to impart to the scene. His dad is just doing his best to reach Lewis, but Lewis is nearly (and tragically) unreachable. The father is pretty much just supposed to be a good guy who is simply unable to change his son’s unfortunate path towards self-destruction.

He made Crossed, him growing up is unlikely.

One batch, Two batch, Penny and Dime