Gosh, it’s almost as if relegation is used in a wildly different sporting culture and isn't viable in the U.S.
Gosh, it’s almost as if relegation is used in a wildly different sporting culture and isn't viable in the U.S.
Doom and the 4 I’m fine with - the MCU has room for five new characters. Hundreds of superpowered mutants who were conspicuously absent until recently are another story.
...I apologize for putting words in your mouth, but it sounds like you’re agreeing with my “trip toy” assessment.
Oh, the guy with a background in deliberately pummeling people into unconsciousness didn’t have the touch necessary to *avoid* pulping his opponent’s face? Color me shocked.
“Pro/rel would work in the US if soccer were as ingrained in the culture as something like college football.”
Which might be because it *wasn’t* a calculated blade job, but instead a mishandled hit that drew blood.
“(also the beers...”
According to these comments, apparently my distaste for the film can probably be attributed to never seeing it in a theater. I generally consider it to be an overlong trip toy with 15 minutes of the 20th century’s best cinema (the confrontation with HAL) near the end.
“...they’ll specifically elect to watch your horror movie come Halloween.”
“You claimed the foundational structure of the league is *cosplay*.”
Under the current 10 nominee format allows them to acknowledge a few non-Oscar-bait films, it might have gotten a nod, but it was 5 at the time. Interesting that it won a technical award that usually just pads somebody else’s haul.
Yeah, but there’s no reality in which The Matrix is even nominated for Best Picture, much less *wins*.
True, but the point stands even if my speculated reasons are wrong - they are much, much less popular with the male 18-35 demographic than they were 10-15 years ago. They’re more appealing to 40+ males at this point, plus the inertia factor for families that inexplicably treated them like another Applebee’s (and…
The problem they’re running into is that the current 18-35 male demographic isn’t interested in overpaying to get flirted with; if they want porn, they’ll just get porn.
“Btw, it’s still true that when voters are polled, if their first choice is Biden, then their second choice is Bernie and if their first choice is Bernie, then their second choice is Biden. That, on it’s face, is puzzling given how vastly different their policies are.”
Seriously. Or spend five fucking minutes on Google and test your hypothesis, rather than asking Twitter to do (a bad job of) it for you.
OK, there’s no *good* reason his feet should be that broken up at the start of training camp.
Seeing the contents of the loot box before paying for it seems a definite step up to me.
I think a long-distance runner might have the kind of skin damage AB’s showing here, at least if they overdid it. But we’re not talking a bout an ultramarathoner here.
Man. From a production standpoint, that’s maximum awkward.