And specifically for the Fit, people that know it, know it’s one of Honda’s best cars, and that supplies are limited. It has enough fans to keep demand high.
And specifically for the Fit, people that know it, know it’s one of Honda’s best cars, and that supplies are limited. It has enough fans to keep demand high.
Cause there ain’t enough cheap cars to drive the price down, and a bunch of people really need a cheap car driving up demand?
LoL. I live near Chesterfield, MO. Can confirm closed mall parking lot is being used as Tesla storage.
Then we’ve got one final mission for Randy Quaid.
Story about seeing Tesla cars from space includes no images of seeing cars from space....
It’s also their outdated stagnated style, and their egotistical chad of a ceo.
Don’t forget Tesla doesn’t have the massive army of dealers where they can just dump their inventory. The direct sales feature works great until you lose discipline around matching production to demand.
Like the GPS systems and weather reports people are using every day.
This is just one of ten million examples of the amazing complexity of duties the government performs that get no glory, no PR, no credit but are really important. And yet we have people that want to eliminate the government, it’s boggling.
Dammit take your star.
We have been doing the same here in Brazil with the mosquito that transmits Dengue fever. It’s a slow process but it shows results.
What makes you think a screwworm wants to breed? Oh...wait, hold on. Nevermind.
Alternate title: “Turning the Screws: Screwing with screwworms, so that when they screw, they don’t screw things up for everything else.”
They’re trying this with mosquito populations in Florida. I can’t foresee any problems that this can cause.
Fly larvae are not worms....
This looks nothing like a RAV4.
Looks just like Lexus’ “Copper Crest” finish - it’s absolutely gorgeous in person
That bronze color is really nice
Adjusted for inflation, Hubble cost about $12 billion before the servicing missions were added to the price tag. So no, it would not be trivial financing, even for him. Heck, it wasn’t trivial financing even for NASA.
Let him go. Tether him to Hubble. Leave him there.