I hope they also add cat interactions to any Wo Long sequel they make. Actually, they can just go ahead and add them to every game thay make.
I hope they also add cat interactions to any Wo Long sequel they make. Actually, they can just go ahead and add them to every game thay make.
such as the American naval officer Matthew C. Perry
I like things to be simple. That’s the main reason I like consoles. If I buy a game for an Xbox Series S|X or a PlayStation 5 I know it’s going to work exactly as it should. I don’t have to worry about whether I need to buy a new GPU, if my CPU is going to throttle performance, or if Windows is going to be an asshole…
The funny part is that, in terms of the actual buying power needed to purchase them, games are literally cheaper than they’ve ever been. Even at a $70 price point.
they couldn’t even sell at a profit on release instead of consoles they could sell without, well, selling them at a loss
I went ahead and bought them and I can tell you that:
The average US commute is like 30-40 miles. With an EV only range of 44 miles, 50% electric usage is probably conservative. If you can charge at work, even better.
Its a new and rapidly evolving tech
It’s not a scam at all. The scam is that here in the US, the car makers decided to push big expensive EV SUV’s instead of cheaper small compact EV’s. Elsewhere in the world- like in China- small EV’s dominate.
If it was made by anyone other than Toyota you would be right.
I’m just saying, people are making it seem like ICE users are spending 10s of thousands of dollars just in maintenances alone when that’s not even true. My evo alone was probably around 3-5K$ including tires, clutch, brakes and oil changes. Oil was probably only about 1000$ in 10 years...Maybe in a ferrari will you be…
I have put shocking little money into my 2009 Ford Escape hyrbid. Taking more miles off the engine would decrease that even further. You are right overall between an EV and anything with an engine, but really my costs are so little even with 245k miles on it.
EV’s redemption will be smaller batteries and fast charging.
First, since when has yellow been a color for the Prius?
I mean how much do Priuses really cost to maintain? The most expensive thing I did on my outlander sport was spark plugs and brakes within 10 years and over 100K miles. I only need to do oil changes once a year. Priuses I’ve seen are quarter million mile machines that are still running on original engines. For all…
EV’s redemption will be smaller batteries and fast charging.
Since the new Prius.
A Prius has no right to look that good, especially in yellow! But dang, that’s got to be one of the best looking cars on sale today.
Ha! Jokes on you. I use the sack and trowel to build a trebuchet. I use the trebuchet to launch a rock on you. You die. Now you’re a dead fat bastard. That didn’t go how you thought, now did it?
Energy is energy. Moving a weight from point A to point B takes energy. You can do it more efficiency, but weight is 100% a factor.