
You rekted him very eloquently.

Plus, if your heroes have saved the universe, where do you go from there?

Can confirm.

You don’t have to be a costumed adventurer to take revenge. He just became the ruler of a technologically advanced nation, even if he wasn’t the Black Panther he could have used his country’s resources to get revenge.

Depends on which PETA people you mean. People Eating Tasty Animals have nothing against people eating tasty animals.

See, I’d rather get pidgeys. Of the most common pokemon, they are the cheapest to evolve. And every evolution gives you 500 xp. So collect a crap load of pidgeys, put on a lucky egg, and you can power level pretty fast. Especially if you follow it up by holding off evolving those pokemon that evolve into something you

I’m holding out for the outtake where somebody says “No shit, Sherlock” and both Iron Man and Dr Strange just look at each other for a second.

Looks amazing. I was hoping the magic would look cool because after the World of Warcraft movie the one thing I liked most about it was the way they did the magic. This looks pretty good too.

And they’re all wrong.

That is disgusting, who likes that much fondant?

Ewwww... they used fondant?

You mean “all the comments in line with my personal opinions” are on the rise.