
I think there's an argument to be made that tight memory contraints leads to more efficient programming though, which would end up benefitting the end user with better battery life and faster apps. I honestly don't know if that's why Apple keeps memory tight on their mobile devices, but I've often wondered...

I think what your failing to see is that the majority of people could give a shit about 'specs'. They want a phone that works and is a pleasure to use. It's really that simple.

You sound really awesome, maybe you can upload some of your videos to the internet...

In other words, if you patent your shit first, then you are not fucked. The fuckers that made a prototype of your patented shit would be fucked though if they tried to market your patented shit.

Wow, that was awesome!

That image is for signed bands, so it's actually pretty different. Just look at the amount they take home from iTunes for example. An unsigned band would make $6.99 from selling an album on iTunes (70-30 split), where a signed band gets only $0.94 from a $9.99 album. Yay record labels!

Jesus, they're like the Gillette Fusion razor of the DVR industry.

I've got one...

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

She's a witch! Burn her at the stake!

System Prefs -> General -> Show scroll bars: Always

This picture is in Apple's complaint against Samsung as well, along with many others that aren't in question.

Except for the little fact that Windows XP wasn't out until after Mac OS 10.1.

- the ability to easily root the device and extend its capabilities even further

You could, you just had to stream them from your iTunes library since the Apple TV doesn't have much storage built in. Now can can stream them straight from Apple's servers.

I suspect the only reason we tolerate the TSA at all is because a terrible tragedy happened on a few airplanes. But as long as we're playing hypotheticals here, what if someone does set off a large bomb (or bombs) at the superbowl? Do we throw our arms up and succumb to public gropings and questionably harmful

Most if note all airlines absolutely DO NOT like what the TSA is doing! They are losing billions from their methods. I suggest you at least read the following article before spouting any more nonsense:

The airlines already did what they needed to do to prevent another 9/11 style attack - they reinforced the cockpit doors. It is no longer possible to gain access to the flight controls and fly a passenger airplane into a building. Done. Fixed. Sure, one could smuggle a weapon on board a kill a few people or take a

Um, okay?