
And there's really no reason for the TSA to systematically grope the public. But you're right, what she did wasn't cool, but I totally understand why she did it. I'm actually surprised we don't read more stories about TSA agents getting punched in the face.

Well if my job was 'maintenance' or 'janitor' I would assume I should probably clean the playground.

Does this lady have a legal defense fund? I would totally donate to her fighting these felony charges if she did.

I'm guessing you don't have kids. You could keep your child hermetically sealed inside a plastic bubble and it would still find a way to spread germs. They are dirty little creatures!

I'm sorry, but you're calling me hostile and ignorant for making a stupid joke about some asshole that won't pony up $30 for a major release of an OS? You 10 y/o's sure are a touchy bunch =P

Invites are closed anyway, so adding them won't do any good right now.

Why, is it because you're 10 and that's your weeks allowance?

I totally agree, I've had a jailbroken iPhone since the first 1.1.4 jailbreaks appeared until about six months or so ago. As iOS matures, there's diminishing returns on jailbreaking, and it got to the point of not being worth my time anymore. Plus, iOS 5 really seems to close the gap on the few remaining things I miss

Oh yeah? Well name two, er three good reasons then!

Well, Apple did send a letter to Lodsys telling them to back the fuck off, but my original question still stands... wut?


I realize live streaming apps already exist for most mobile platforms today, but really how many people a.) have one installed on their phones, and b.) would choose to use it over the default camera app in a situation like this.

That's a good point, but it makes me wonder if iOS 5 will have any impact on law enforcement when photos and videos are automatically uploaded to the cloud. Once it becomes the norm and officers realize they can't destroy video evidence on the scene anymore, will their behavior change? My guess - probably not, but it

I would rather see Apple utterly destroy Lodsys in court than hand over a boat load of money to buy their patents.

Amen, brother =)

From a commenter over at Boing Boing comes the most sensible take on this whole fiasco:

Thanks everyone for coming out and commenting today, but this thread is now done as this pretty much sums it up.

Hey, that’s great news for all seven of the people that use Outlook on the Mac!

I think that would give me the excuse I finally need to invest in a flame thrower.

@idmb: Because phones don't have PCI busses in them, which Thunderbolt is based on.