
Wouldn't that just be the arrival date for all orders placed henceforth?

@Pook365: Because design by committee is always better, right?

@Giuseppe Naylor: To casually drop that your Mac had a virus on it that required you to reinstall the entire OS is more than a little suspect, unless you're talking about pre Mac OS X. Sure, there was a proof of concept ichat worm a few years back, but it was totally innocuous and couldn't self propagate. There also

@djpaetkau: I have a Mac and keep all of my music on a NAS and the 'Automatically Add to iTunes' folder works fine. You might try running the commands in the 'File Library Organize Library...' menu and see if that fixes your problem.

My espresso machine is rated at 19 bar... I wonder how good a cup a 3,500 bar machine would produce?

I have recovered a disk myself as it was about to give up the ghost. This involved a linux live-CD, the drive in a freezer for 48 hours, and then a complete covering in ice-pops whilst retrieving the data. I was amazed!

The best way to do this is to use standard deicer spray on the windows the night before. I've always done this. All you do is jump in the car, turn on your wipers for a second and your done!

I did this with a dead hard-drive the other day. Disconnected it from the completely non-functioning PC, wrapped it in a towel and a few plastic bags and put it in a freezer for 24 hours.

The iPhone beat me up and stole my wife!

Has anyone found an easy way to scrobble from the iPhone? I know you can trick iScrobbler into sending iPhone plays by first connecting your iPhone to your computer, followed by connecting an iPod to trigger the actual sync, but that's entirely too much work for this lazy person.

I personally use mobile AIM on my iPhone through SMS and it works great. So now when my AIM account on my computer goes idle (or my computer goes to sleep), it automatically routes any IM's to my iPhone through SMS. It also has the added advantage of setting my status to "Mobile" so others can see I am away from my




I highly recommend BlueHarvest for keeping your Mac from littering PC's with these files. Unlike the other options, this can also remove those resource files (ones that start with an underscore) and other hidden files like .trashes. I also like that you can target specific drives or remote mounts for this to work on,


This is such a great tip. I had no idea I could do this!