
Aww, I liked the end of First Blade (although my Kassandra would have never hooked up with Natakas because he sucked so that kid wouldn’t have been born).

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Assassin’s Creed has really strayed from the crap I liked in the originals (and I’m actually a huge defender of the first one except for the unskippable mission starts that always have you miles away from where you need to be). Having said that, I’d probably have Odyssey second or

Master Shake is one of our greatest philosophers

Yeah, I enjoyed it. Not like earth shattering but it captured the absurdity of streaming culture

Its from 30 Rock I believe

I only ever have problems on mobile but it can definitely suck

You did nothing wrong Jason. This reminds me of when Matt Ufford ran Warming Glow and live tweeted spoilers to Lost. Except you did this so people could talk about the game and with no intention to troll.

And yet, I was still right. Sounds like you’re still the asshole.

Definitionally, female is also a noun. If you're going to be pedantic, at least be correct

I’m a big propenent of the 13th Age writing style. It’s readable and every once in a while there’s a laugh out loud phrasing of a concept.

Even when it goes “on sale” it’s $30 (This isn’t a complaint, just a beginning of an explanation). As someone else said, there’s a real gripe to be had about the initial release price point for what you got, but now $30 is pretty fair all things considered. So it’s not just making it up to previous buyers but also

*Reads responses*

They then go get an injunction to have the RV towed at your expense plus the court costs and attorney fees. 

Part of it too is the fact that if they stop enforcing the rules consistently, you're going to have a harder time legally enforcing them later. Now, state of emergency would be a defence against the waiver argument, so I see both sides. 

There’s a police blotter article in my local paper at least once a month about a contractor getting tools stolen from the bed of their pickup truck in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. around where I live (usually happens in the suburbs actually). The contractor is typically quoted as saying, “I ju

My ultimate point is that people should drive fuel efficient vehicles that, on average, cost significantly less than SUV and pickup trucks that the vast majority of the drivers are leaving empty the majority of the time just because it can be more convenient to occasionally throw something in the back..

My dad never had trouble doing it, but he also isn't an idiot about how he went about it

People don’t need SUV’s either.

That’s why you use a trailer for the days you need to actually haul something so dirty you can’t justify putting it on a plastic sheet in the back of the van. All the other days, use the vehicle that it’s harder to steal things from.

Ah I understand now. It was that intermediate step of blame I wasn't appreciating