
Am I misreading the article or does everyone involved seem to agree that the bookkeeping is above board. Basically, my read is that people are mad about the size of the bonuses but there’s no indication that the company actually violated the terms of the bonus system. It’s just something that sucks.

Everything you described and is true, but half the country has repeatedly been told by their party of choice to ignore experts. That’s the primary cause of all of this. If this was 1955, we would have actually seen a lock down.

If it was being sarcastic, this entire paragraph wouldn’t be in there:

I was playing on a Switch, yeah, this would piss me off.

Yes they do.

Not to be overly pedantic about this, but I think there are a significant number of cases where it’s not clear where they got it from. It could have been person to person or from surfaces. To say there’s no cases from the surface to person is, at best, unproven and more likely misleading.

I feel the gif is even more relevant now haha

He’s Councilman then Mayor Tommy Carcetti in seasons 3-5.

I loved the first Crackdown. It’s mindless but there’s something meditative about trying to figure how to get to the top of areas so you can snipe from like a mile away.

I know it’s like two months later, but it says something about our life experiences that you mention Aiden Gillen and Lance Reddick and somehow don’t mention The Wire whereas that’s always what I think of them from. (Not a criticism just more of a “This person has to be a decade younger than me” sort of thing.).

So...I originally misread the list and thought that this quote:

I really wish I could get into Dwarf Fortress. I hear great things. But the hurdle to entry just feels insurmountable given my time commitments. 

As you point out, there’s a difference between locking shit behind story progression you have to come back for vs. it just being hard if you don’t have it.

If you want to get overly reductive, yeah. But there are a not insignificant number of games where you’re given your toolkit at the beginning and game asks you to get better at using it as you play vs. a game that hides areas behind abilities you don’t have yet (aka Metroidvania).

... the hell?

Every Gamestop I’ve ever been in (across three, non-contiguous states) has had the smell described in the first comment.

“We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time, and we’re expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PS5,”

While I saw a few episodes as a kid, I’ve only watched TNG as an adult. And I generally enjoy it, although I think I overall prefer TOS.

Even this week’s episode. I get that it’s a little trite that everyone is related but you could also say that about the fact that Q seems to only fuck with Picard out of all the people in the known universe. Star Trek, ideally, is about hope, optimism, curiosity, and improving yourself. It's never been about intricate

I’m loving the show (haven’t watched this week yet). The annoyance with this show baffles me.