

Do they have a department of labor in Britania, or something equivalent?

I’m starting to see more Teslas than pri’i in the sf Bay Area. I'd rather see Teslas too. How ever I'd rather see big glorious gas guzzling v8s than anything else.

Because...power outage.

Witch craft!

True...but electricity was created by the devil!

True...and truer. I’ll keep buying v8 powered muscle cars.

The v6 one looks more simple...I like it. Taken right before I slid into a crowd.

I'll take premium.

Who the fuck thinks we “real automotive enthusiasts” would want anything to do with electricity? If I could I’d have a gas engine power my phone.

I've got nuts for sale...price one focus rs.

/cotd again!

Good now buy back my Chevrolet Cruze ltz...it doesn't get anything near 40mpg highway.

I was just thinking about these pikes peek record holders yesterday

Pashtun my ridge line has 2million

Please don’t build the 510' remake...I do t have room for it at my garage, I'll have to sell something.

Excuse me・ pardon me 。coming threw eh.

Right because electric cars don’t catch fire.