PlayStation Wagon you heard it hear first. a former employee. I beg you Make a diesel/gas electric hybrid. A generator like a train has to charge the battery and power the motors. Range anxiety is a bitch.
Add Honda CRV to that list. Best all around car. Hatch space, awd and Reliable 4banger
Cadillac can’t loose the image they built from years past. I don’t understand why they are attempting to make euro killers when what they do best is make land yachts, comfort cars , presidential luxury these are the images that come to mind when I think of caddy’s. Yeah the cts v is fast and cool, but I don’t want a…
You just gave me an idea for a mobile bitcoin mining operation. Thanks.
What they arnt telling you is the dajibomb was loaded with a improvised paintball bomb
Honestly I’m more interested in the cutaway piece of the tranny tunnel to bleed the clutch.I did this in two of my cars, my mustang and ae86.
And they also don’t have reaction times or special abilities to make decisions on the fly like humans do. I still remember that google car prototype that I saw wigging out with the engineer as a passenger as it tried to make it onto the Main Street.
I think the real answer is Mr Toyoda drove it and thought it was lacking spirit.
It’s easy to say whoever they hired to design that front end did some serious damage to the image of Camaro. I’d take my chances with hitting a crowd of onlookers any day as opposed to having the crowd of onlookers point and laugh.
Why not call up a civil engineer to make the underpass more shallow?
That’s not a corvette it’s the new fiero!
I can’t belive not one of these cars has period correct plates.
I’m starting to like trump...from an automotive enthusiast point of view I mean...there should be no regulations for hoons.
That sounds like a bit of Plymouth/Canton school district if you ask me.