No matter how hard they try...I will only buy naturally asperated v8 cars/trucks for myself.
No matter how hard they try...I will only buy naturally asperated v8 cars/trucks for myself.
A dremel saved me recently too. When an inaccessible coil over nut stripped on a car of mine.
I can’t see this going well...”don’t hit the wall, don’t hit the wall, hit the wall!
That, as well as oil pressure.
Yeah I saw the front of the cylinder heads on the engine and immediately thought small block Chevrolet. Then I saw the camshaft location...
Depends on how much you can take?
You have twins? Nope you don’t. Try fitting a twin stroller in any sedan aside from a caprice classic trunk or a crown Vic’s. Yeah if they still made them I'd consider them. That extra space does help. Especially when you have to go to Costco and drop $500 on diapers
For my wife and I, we fit the category 36’ years of age,we just bought a new pilot and CRV as our daily drivers. Why? Because we have twins, and we need every inch of space we can get in a vehicle. Also a SUV personifies safety. Them being big and full of metal on all sides to carry your family safely around without…
There's only two sedans I'd buy...ones the sho Taurus, the other is a caprice classic.
Lol...what a dummy.
Ok ok it sounds great. It really does.
That's it getting a focus rs. Thanks.
But them vents though.
But it's wrong wheel drive.
Please beat this man to death...these are the types that deserve it.
I'm sure they have. But the government is still communist.