
i think its just stupid all around that they are charging for an update! i bet all the new ipod touches will come with it and they are $20 cheaper (8gb) ...... i don't think that i am the only one that feels ripped off for getting the touch(2g) when it came out and now they are trying to charge to update it.

@grumpyone: welll we will see how well that will go when google os come out (B i think that this chart is a way of microsoft saying they are scared shitless of linux becoming more popular with google

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i honestly can't belive that microsoft is bashing linux..... HELLO anyone who is using linux knows what they are doing and are not going to be convinced by a rigged chart !

ya the only problem is you have to be a premium user....... defeats the purpose of this ... i would rather pay a little bit more for the really copy and jut stream it through the orb app (B .... no monthly fee for that

@reddingofish: i strongly disagree , can IE block adds?,can it auto log you in to facebook,?,can you use auto pager on any other browser?,download youtube video's?...... i think you get the gist firefox alone is not as great but when its loaded with kick ass add ons its the shit so to answer you question that is why

is it really illegal to reject their app ??? because they don't want it on thier app store google is a big competitor of apple with the android why is this such a big deal if they dont want to associate with them..? if people want the app that bad just jail break and you have it (B sorry i just don't understand why

anyone know which is better for p2p privacy??? tor or this??? (facts would be great not just one word answers)

You should have mentioned that to use the iphone app you have to be a premium member ..... is that just to get them started because i was really excited for this then i found out to use it on my ipod touch but then it doesn't let me use it because i don't pay them 10 bucks a month

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ha i have 7, my dad's work provides the msnd subscription ;).... is that spotify i see in the task bar

i hope he use's the screen with the time on it for more then just that

yaaa i thought it was mee i was like CRAP..... i didnt even think to try another site lol

@tok3ninja: yaaa he is right it wasnt a regular update, it was made to fix a problem before it was too late

@Jim Fletcher:just jailbreak it .... its great i have an ipod 2g jailbroken it gives you sooo many more features including google voice

nooo way why would they chane the chrome web brower.... its a finished project

hahaha my dad is M$ certified soo i got it legally (B