
"although Shea has the superior “Material Girl” look"

I was about to comment that I could not be the only person who got the fall was a bit.

Cheyenne's signature cocktail was Mountain Dew Code Red, vodka, and 13 cherries. Cheyenne is every girl I went to college with.

I thought the use of Lesley Gore's "You Don't Own Me" in the hospital was brilliant on 2 levels. Obviously, Joan would have been basking in those lyrics at the time, knowing she was pulling one over on the studio and the picture and asserting herself over Davis. And also, it really drives home the timelessness of this

Limited series qualifications are based on storytelling in addition to length, so this won't be eligible there… just for drama series: "The program must tell a complete, non-recurring story, and not have an
ongoing storyline or main characters in subsequent seasons."

I'm glad I read this, because I didn't realize that was Nora in the final shot. I thought it was the woman from the opening.

Is nemesi really the plural of nemesis? It was all I could think about watching this episode.

If anyone wants to be taken back to the simpler times of the Bush 2 era, Michelle Branch also released her first solo album in 14 years yesterday, Hopeless Romantic, and it's great.

I saw him in Evita on Broadway and was very pleasantly surprised.

It's the opposite for me. I connect with their despair. I understand them as characters because I can empathize with their plights and root for them to overcome.

It's never been a feel good sitcom. It's never been escapism or fantasy. It's never been a salacious primetime soap. It's an exploration of the worst aspects of American culture. To not want to watch that constant misery and hopelessness is understandable, but that's what the show is and always has been: a mirror

But just wanting her gone doesn't mean he set his sights on her or anything. Like I don't remember him trying to talk to his tribemates about eliminating her. Am I forgetting an episode?

It didn't look like JT had a focus on Sandra, though. All I remember him saying was that he figured the other tribe would vote her out, not that he wanted her gone. (He could have said that, and I just missed it or am forgetting.)

I was waiting for Mana to give up just to go to tribal and get rid of Debbie.

While the episode's challenge wasn't bad and was a nice way to introduce the queens, the ending really left a bad taste in my mouth. Not only did no one go home, we didn't even meet the full cast. It was basically a Meet the Queens episode, just not told in interview/audition video format. Disappointing.

I did. I read the entire thing standing in the book aisle of Target and laughed at all the people who might have spent money on it… It was offensively stupid.

And another 15 seconds you'll never get back bitching about it on the internet. You're really striking out today!

I read every one of those damn Sookie Stackhouse books, and yes, many of them were complete turds and nothing but cash grabs. This new series continued that trend of writing basically plotless, cozy mysteries but with recycled supernatural characters from her previous books.

It must be hard to have so much Disney money. Please let me know which concentration camp to send my condolences care of, Tim.

I read the first book and hated it, but this somehow looks even worse.