
For anyone interested in how Captain America has evolved as a character over the decades to reflect changing ideologies in the States, this book (Captain America, Masculinity, and Violence: The Evolution of a National Icon by J. Richard Stevens) is excellent. I read it last year and have started teaching pieces in my

I'm actually excited they're airing the Rolodex of Hate special, considering it costs $15 to rent it online.

But it's literally NOT avant-garde. Everybody wears hoodies and boots. Avant-garde, by definition, is supposed to be unusual and/or experimental, like Kim Chi's costume and Bob's makeup. There was nothing avant-garde about that look.

Naomi is a fashion queen, yet she wore a hoodie and stripper boots for an avant-garde look. NO.

There is no Countdown to the Crown this season. Next week Logo is airing Bianca's Rolodex of Hate comedy special, and the finale is the following week.

I think the point of being a series regular is that you are under and contract and get paid by the episode, regardless of screen time. And since they're not using her, it's basically like keeping her on retainer until they need her so she can't work elsewhere (that's what happened with Jennifer Esposito on Blue

You know what's sad? Laura Spencer (Emily) IS a series regular. She was promoted this season.

review (n.): a report that gives someone's opinion about the quality of a book, performance, product, etc.

I loved Haunted so much when it was originally on the air. I bought the DVD set a few years ago (probably about 10 years after it was canceled) and rewatched it, and I loved it all over again. Same with Firefly.

Speaking of, Courtney Act tweeted my favorite read last night: "Derrick Barry entered Drag Race impersonating Britney Spears and left impersonating Jinkx Monsoon."

I didn't ask if people had SEEN Hamilton. I haven't seen it either.

I really don't understand all the bitching and moaning about this episode and how it feels so different and Amy sold out and the show can't keep up etc etc. This wasn't a great episode or anything, but it felt like the same show to me (Relationship Center and the Women's Health sketches were great, I thought, and

Exactly what I was thinking.

No, my grievance was just the implication that Bob stole the idea from Alaska, as if she were the first queen to think up a BJ joke.

"The bit with Bob coming up from a blowjob to talk about BJs (Better
Jobs) for everyone is pulled from Alaska’s “Red For Filth” perfume ad…"

There's a possibility Gabe is still alive and it was the dog Jane killed.

Nitpick because I'm OCD: we're well past the two-thirds point of this season. This was episode 17 of 22, so we're past even the three-quarter mark. Just shows how little they've devoted to developing the season-long story (but it was in favor of the series-long arc about the keys, so I'm okay with it).

I think Gwen has the worst taste (which is to say, the opposite of mine usually haha), so I'll probably be really into this.

Meh. I was pretty bored, and I thought the runway looks mostly sucked. Robbie should have gone home last week for that stupid DV impression, and then Acid could have pissed all over the stage this week. I would have loved to see what she would do in this challenge.

It's not a narrow, personal anecdote. If you don't believe it, go read the Drag Race reddit sometime. Search Twitter. Drag Race fans are primarily women.