
There's a difference between comprehending what you read and ascribing meaning to it. I asked, as you quoted, why the poster assumed the Witness would be white when Abbie is black and the dialogue mentioned that her bloodline, all of whom we have seen thus far as black, would bear the next Witness. There is NOTHING in

No. I asked why the poster assumed the Witness would be white, not HOW the Witness COULD be white.

….. Or black. Likely black, if probability wins out based on your number there. Yes, there's a possibility the next Witness is white. But to just assume s/he will be, based on how angry people are over this episode, is pretty absurd.

Why are you assuming the next Witness will be white? The dialogue clearly stated it will be someone from Abbie's extended bloodline.

It may be biphobic in the sense that she's not acknowledged as bisexual. Rather than simply coming out and portraying a bisexual character on the show, that particular part of the LGBTQ+ equation is ignored. It's almost like saying there's no such thing as bisexuality: you're either straight, gay or predatory. (That

I wholly disagree that "Causing a Commotion" is a forgettable Madonna song, but I mostly agree with the rest of this review (except I don't think Acid was worse in the Snatch Game than Robbie or even than Chi Chi, whose Eartha Kitt was completely off base).

"I literally had no idea what was going on on 'Bear Mountain' (which is
not Bear Mountain, that mountain is actually covered in trees — my
cousin got married there)…"

They showed Sheldon throwing the box away, but he'd slipped the ball out of it and into his sleeve so he could roll it back into the storage space without Amy seeing.

Agreed. I thought the fact that Howard didn't end the episode by trying to get away with another lie to Bernadette, plus the show avoiding the expected "catch men in an lie" scene, was growth.

That "Freedom" song's staging pissed me off. The content was "I'm gay but sometimes like to touch girls too," but then he barely touched any guys and the girls were basically impregnated in front of the audience.

You're 100% right, that's exactly why I think the critique was manufactured haha.

There have also been two Chers (Delta Work in season 3 and Chad Michaels in season 4) and two Beyonces (Tyra Sanchez in season 2 and Kenya Michaels in season 4).

I think that whole critique was manufactured to begin with since there was really nothing negative for Lucian to say about that group, but he did clarify what he meant by his bad example, at least. And I don't think he wanted them to be counter to the B-52s, just not an exact copy of them.

Oliver, you and Bob both misunderstood Lucian's critique. He didn't tell them to be like Lorde. He cited Lorde as an example of someone who has a totally unique style and who takes pop music and makes it different and her own. That's all. He wanted them to not just be a group of B-52s impersonators. They had a fine

I sought out that essay after posting this and stopped reading a few paragraphs in when I saw this gem of utter stupidity: "What makes Ellen’s opening statement uniquely dangerous, though, is that it falsely propagates “lesbian, gay, bi or trans” as natural, biological, and existing everywhere, always." Ugh.

"Despite its efforts to paint a very comprehensive picture of queer
culture in these countries, it has a pretty narrow scope for queerness."

"Considering his 'too hell with political correctness' attitude, RuPaul
likely doesn’t give a damn about the racial implications of having
non-black men appropriating the slang, behavior, and fashion of black
women on his series…"

It's a pretty big deal in North America as well; in my area, at least, it's routinely a summer reading book for elementary-aged kids. And any student who takes any level of French will be reading at least part of The Little Prince at least once.

Does the AV Club assign shows to reviewers, or do reviewers choose what they cover?

I'm also on Team Acid in this instance. Oliver's whole diatribe about needing to pick the right shoes is a little ridiculous. When you're about to meet with a choreographer, you practice your choreography. You can talk about shoes afterward (if you need to…but who gives a shit, since it's not like every single queen