
Just because he was bottoming doesn't mean he's a bottom.

"So, speculation on what the Splinter of Destiny could be?"

Pretty much any time I see a character driving on television, I assume they're about to be T-boned. So yeah, I saw that coming too.

I loved a lot of this season, but the last three or so episodes were a letdown. Once the shooting happened, I think this season went off the rails. It became too complicated to wrap up satisfyingly, and it lost focus. Kevin, for example, never got a story that really mattered. Sebastian came in too late in the game to

Don't forget Golden Globe winner Lady Gaga's turn in American Horror Story!

How can you disagree with that description of Robbie? Look at the photo shoot… he and Jinkx wore the same wig and the same color/fabric, except Robbie had on what looked like a bathrobe and Jinkx wore a gown. I don't even think it's much of a read, just a plain fact: he looks just like Jinkx, but less polished (which

I know it typically debuts late, but they're running 2-3 episodes behind where the season usually is at this point, which is why I was wondering if there were going to be fewer episodes. Hopefully the new tentative schedule holds and we'll get a full 22 episode season. :-)

"(Scandal is contracted for 6 seasons)."

Repressed memory is very real, especially in cases of trauma and tragedy.

This was my main problem with those interview as well, and I said as much to my husband as we were watching: what happened with Taylor and what happened at Columbine are very different situations. I understood they were making a statement about the long-ranging impact of a tragedy, but it didn't quite connect for me.

I understand that and what the poster was saying, but there's a generally accepted Golden Age of NBC Comedy that started with Cheers and ended with Friends.

I would never call 5 years ago the Golden Era of NBC, unless we're ignoring the '80s and '90s entirely.

It just seems weird that with their syndication deal, they wouldn't be doing 22 episodes. But having the final two episodes air during sweeps at least makes sense if it's true there are only 20. Thanks for the info.

I really liked this episode, and the review hit upon all the reasons why I think it worked so well.

Doing something you don't particularly find interesting isn't what jumping the shark is. That phrase is really overused now.

I didn't hear that scene as Eric admitting rape either, but looking through the comments, some did.

Not brutally enough when the bastard is still spray painting slurs on a public school. Ugh… I hate most of the characters on this show. Eric could have actually raped Taylor, and he wouldn't be the worst person on screen.

Apparently others heard an admission of rape from Eric, so I may be in the minority in trusting Taylor's recollection less and less as the weeks pass. It just doesn't seem in Eric's true nature to be sexually violent; we see him puffing his chest around his teammates and in front of others, acting and talking tough,

Yes, both Castle leads will need to sign new contracts for the coming season, and it was a chore getting Stana Katic to sign for this current one; that, plus the poor ratings and age of the show are why a lot of people are predicting its end. There have been rumors that if the show does return, it'll be a new format.

I said it last week, but it bears repeating: the thing that's going to make predicting Fox's renewals and cancellations so difficult this year is the end of American Idol. This season, that comes out to over 40 hours of programming Fox is going to have make up for elsewhere (that's the equivalent of 2 full seasons of