
Normally I would never expect a show at this level to be renewed, but this year Fox will have a whole lot more hours to fill with the cancellation of American Idol. I don't think season 4 is a sure thing at all, but it would make more sense to renew this and fill some of those programming hours (especially on a

L+SD ratings were up from its Thursday finale in November…

Considering how much extra time Fox will have to program with the cancellation of American Idol, I wouldn't be surprised if Sleepy Hollow stuck around for at least one more season, especially since it held its ratings in the switch to Friday nights.

I love Life in Pieces and, especially, Mom. Big Bang has become the least funny and most inconsistent of the three CBS comedies I watch on Thursdays.

And the direction, for the most part, sucked. Why would you have the cast go from an indoor to an outdoor carnival if the two sets are nowhere near each other? Seeing everyone in those golf carts was jarring and awkward; some were still in character, some not (and who knows what the right choice is in such a

No. This was objectively terrible. It was GREASE LIVE! and half the cast didn't even sing live. That drag race was uncomfortably awkward to watch, the adaptation was sloppy (if Sandy doesn't smoke a cigarette, the line about getting sick from one cigarette in "Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee" doesn't make sense), and they

It's a lyric from an old Noel Coward song: "Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun."

I didn't really like the pilot very much when I watched it last year, but since I'm apparently going to be trapped inside for the weekend, I'll give it a shot. It has to be better than Hand of God, right?

They incorrectly listed Ridley as the writer of the episode in the preview information, so they may have put him as the director in some press stuff as well. And I also understand why you would think he was; Virgo hewed really closely to the style Ridley used in the first episode (cutting off the faces of police

But they already tied seasons one and five together multiple times (location, real estate agent, abortionist) without bringing in Billie for an ultimately pointless appearance.

The episode was directed by Clement Virgo, not John Ridley.

You're very kind to this show.

I thought that was why they dragged him into the street.

This show has had so many issues (recasting, reshooting the rewritten pilot with a new director, episode reduction, moving from fall to spring, switching timeslots), just put the whole thing online, forget it ever happened, and free up the timeslot for something else that'll be canceled after two episodes.

"and perhaps the most talented person in the entire cast…"

I figured since Tristan found love with Liz and then had it ripped away, that he would have unfinished business in not getting to spend anytime with her. But maybe he didn't love her like she thought, so he didn't stay, or maybe feeling that love was enough to move on, or maybe the writers just don't understand or

This was terrible. Donovan died in the first few seconds after being absent for a stretch of episodes in the middle of the season; what a waste of Matt Bomer. Same for Angela Bassett as Ramona. Not only was she sidelined as well, but her character was ultimately useless since she didn't even kill the Countess, which

Donovan died outside the hotel, but yes… Tristan is yet another dangling plot thread that will likely turn into a gaping plot hole by this time next week.

Dakini was wonderful, and that final scene with Claire and Paul was gorgeous. It made clear through little dialogue and motion that perhaps the real dragon in need of slaying wasn't the chains placed on Claire by Bryan or Paul or her past, but rather the ones she placed on herself that allowed those things power over

I watch this show but have never really liked it… I just like that it's on at a time of year when almost everything else I watch is either on hiatus or hasn't begun yet, so it's a fine thing to record for when I get exceedingly bored, or to watch while I have my coffee in the morning.