


Just to make you a little jealous... I’ll be having lunch at Goodwood tomorrow. :)

I was persuaded by my father not to re-invest £600 into my first car, an E21 BMW 318, and instead spend £1300 on a much older VW Beetle....

Would have been good to include the fact that virtually everything produced now that will be shipped is also packaged in boxes that are sized specifically to efficiently use the space within the standardised shipping container volume.

Note to self: if ever in the US, avoid Ohio, and neighbouring states...

Just for clarity.... Brooklands was the first purpose-built banked track for racing.
I’ve stood on the Brooklands banking.... at the top it’s so steep that it’s nigh-on impossible to physically stand there.

Fangs? They’re called “overriders”  (aren’t they?)

I had one as my first car, a 316 too (but with the 2-lamp grill).

Just sayin’ hi!

Any Porsche 911 or Saab from that period.

Of new cars, I haven’t a clue.

From the description I’d say that the DSR/X is more of a “Upright road bike”.

Another Brit here to confirm that Tunnocks are the manufacturer (or brand name) of one of the available teacake products. (and yes, likely the best, I’ve not tried every single variety).
Tunnocks (down south) are somewhat better known for the Caramel Wafer product. (That’s if they can be found.... in England they’re

How an Italian in an outdated Alfa Romeo came to win the 1935 German GP at the Nurburgring. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1935_German_Grand_Prix

Ah - my mistake.

Land Rover HSE drivers.

I too missed yesterday:

Shame they’re all on US based streaming services really (yes I know I could sort out a VPN).