
Missed it. It looks like it’s actually a lot larger than I was expecting. it’s not much smaller than an old 110mm film camera, I was expecting it to actually be USB key sized... THAT I would buy!

A minority in overall percentage of road users perhaps, but that minority will still be in the league of multiple thousands of drivers. More than enough to be a legitimate and significant lobbying force, and sales target.

Drive over 100 miles a day?  Currently I do.  My current commute is almost exactly 112 miles every day (oddly enough).  And I’m far from the only person doing that sort of mileage, just in the UK.

Can’t help but agree.....

Last photo made me laugh out loud (genuinely)! Thanks for that, I needed a laugh this morning! :D

Please stop giving that “media outlet” any traffic.  Please.

Can’t help notice all your bike choices are 500cc+ Do you not get the 300cc bikes in the US?  They’re nice and light, and fast ‘enough’ for modern traffic (faster than legal limits, that’s for sure).  Because they’re light, they don’t need much power.  Try em.

Links have changed.

Links have changed.

Officially excited.

I am >< this close to getting that tripod - I just don’t think I have the money at the moment, which is SUCH a disappointment.  I’ve been watching the campaign for a while and it does seem to be a perfect tripod.

I am >< this close to getting that tripod - I just don’t think I have the money at the moment, which is SUCH a

In the UK they top out at 999. 

“ Your partner isn’t going to leave you because you elected not to watch Mad Men, particularly if you are investing in the relationship on other occasions. “.

In the UK it’s been called ‘being a card-tart’ I think. :)

Do you get the ‘0% Balance Transfer’ offers in the US?

Follow up questions:

If it’s a longitudinal engine, (like Guzzi, BMW, Honda Goldwing, etc), why isn’t it shaft drive?

Currently reading “Go Like Hell”, in which Iacocca features heavily - so this resonates hugely.

How long is this going to be around?

WELL DONE!  Go easy for the rest of the year - don’t take things too quickly, and do NOT stop learning!  Remember as well that it doesn’t matter what bike you’re on, you’ll be having fun whatever. :)

Life is a communicable disease, if you want to save the planet, stop spreading it.

Serious point - most things are ‘bad’ for us in one way or another. Dioxins from a fire will mostly go up (hint - stay out of the smoke) from a fire in open air, so although it’s good advice, let’s not stress over it too much. There’s