R Kely P N on U

Connor has no intention of fighting after this fight. He already witnessed his friend dying in the ring, he has a kid already, this is going to be his last fight since he’s going to make a ton of money no matter what. He understands people don’t last long on this earth with a career like this and this is his cash in.

Our wall is garbage and far more expensive than Bulgaria’s wall. They use a simple chain link fence with an ASS TON of barbwire. Simple, effective, cheap , and easy to maintain.

The only good thing I think of is that this being in Texas means hopefully they’ll hang.

It’s hideous to be honest. I never understood why people like these “swagged out” jeeps.

“When Fiat was given the Mazda Miata” Except they weren’t.

Imagine a fatty sitting in the chair and you notice all the fat rolls seeping through the cutouts of the spiderweb. Yum.
