No, that is NOT a Fox body.
No, that is NOT a Fox body.
Gee....that Lynk sure looks like a Lincoln MKX. I wonder if Ford Motor Company will have a problem these similarities?
All TDIs are going to be crushed. It’s that simple.
It is irresponsible journalism even to suggest a welded diff is streetable. Shame!
Oh my...the snowflake goes to England with mummy and daddy...and get’s the roads...
Why do guys buy Harleys ? Because they are Harleys.
Okay, perhaps 2% of now affluent Gen-Xers will cross shop Harley and Bimmer. Beyond that however, no dice. There are Harley guys, and there are all the rest. This is a simple, time-proven axiom. The Germans will not profit from this gambit, and BMW will have diluted their brand. Bad move.
Many achieve some level of maturity by Hamilton’s age. Others, obviously, do not.
Orlove: Next time your editor tosses a political story your way, decline it. You suck at it. Stick to car stuff. Same goes for Ballaban and his ludicrous fable about Obama’s hostage ransom payment to Iran not being actual ransom. That was dumb too.
In today’s world, a car is “reliable” when it’s trouble-free service pushes past 200k miles.
The premise that a welded diff can be streeted is preposterous. It is equally preposterous that a girly CUV can compete with a bof V8 w/live front axle brute in any scenario.
$100 on texting.
As if Clinton lies are somehow more acceptable...and her supporters more objective...
Chastising Ford for conforming to economic reality is ridiculous. How about Trump outline ways US manufacturing/labor/trade policy can change current economic incentives so that small car production in USA can be more profitable?
The question then becomes:,Will there be accountability to the million of Honda customer this brainiac just pissed off? ...At precisely the moment global auto sales are facing cyclical declined? Beyond dumb.
Pretty sure Sochiro would not concern himself with US politics.
What company can afford to alienate a large cohort of it’s customers?
Can Honda afford to offend the large number of American who are NOT with Clinton? I think not.
Comparef to an over-zealous goverment, we are all little people.
Just when we think humanity has evolved to s higher level, this.