
19/20. Yes, I used to play a lot of FIFA.

Serious question: is this Barnwell trolling?

Would you binge the whole season at once? I think that might be too much. Probably better to watch a game or two each weekend, Thursdays if you have time.

These massacres are so frequent now that the public is nearly jaded. What we largely don’t realize is how these events impact the surviviors.

You're confusing the entry amounts with how much they're making. Their take is around 10 percent. And they are still losing significant amounts of money, which would be fine for a company at their stage, if they weren't also under siege.

Holy shit I found something I hate even more than either of their comments.

What? Those uniforms are white and gold.

It’s difficult to read kinja’s beer columns. Guinness is not a beer, it is a religions, way of life, an elegiac experience that is akin to a human’s first sexual awakening. I understand that people in the U.S. Aren’t drinking it, and that craft beers have exploded, but it’s also because Guinness isn’t usually served

Retired boxer went to jail for rape and was a leading cast member in top rated sitcom Friends.

Bradley was always unfairly maligned in the States, dating back to the bogus nepotism charges when he started playing Mikey (and look at him now). Looking back, his managerial style was almost entirely different to Klinsmann’s. He would never publicly denigrate a player in the press - everything was tight-knit and

When asked why he still continues to dine at the Tadich Grill after these revelations, Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder replied, “My polling shows that African Americans regard being treated as ‘separate but equal’ as a source of pride.”