“If he is placed on the Supreme Court, then the Court, as an institution, will exist only as an expression of a political power balance between parties—not a judiciary body, but an unelected legislature, run by a Republican majority.”
“If he is placed on the Supreme Court, then the Court, as an institution, will exist only as an expression of a political power balance between parties—not a judiciary body, but an unelected legislature, run by a Republican majority.”
There isn’t going to be a trade agreement without detractors. One that greatly benefits the us will be decried by bleeding hearts as unfair to the poor. One that doesn’t benefit the us much but props up the economies of other less developed nations will be decried by corporate fat cats. Even a middle ground solution…
The real question is why is it propped up against a piece of unhung, unfinished drywall? Was the real wall more bland than the brown paper backing of drywall?
The problem isn’t the regulations per se, it’s that they’re not uniformly enforced and that the epa has heen given the power to enact laws; which is supposed to be reserved for the legislative branch. No one wants dirty air or water but the epa goes overboard. Here in iowa the big thing is “waters of the us”…
That’s just dumb
Trump, as much as he claims otherwise, is a politician. Say whatever will get you elected and then, in actuality, change the status quo for most Americans very little.
Except he didn’t “Snatch it off him,” he broke it, and continued to cement his legacy as a great talent but complete jackass.
Not talib?! Always a class act.
I used to think how in the hell does this stuff happen. Then my 2 yo son was playing with a dvd case after going pee and not putting his undies back on. He started screaming loud and kicking. He had closed the case on his sack and it was stuck inside. He yanked it off before I could open it. Taught him a valuable…
You know what else was a job killer? The horse, the wheel, the steam engine and on and on. That is the beauto of advancing technology, it takes and way more and more manual labor. Yes it can kill off jobs, but it also creates jobs. People just need to get out of the “I can’t/won’t learn anything new” mindset.
I’ve been waiting for someone to put this PUNTER in his place. Honestly what have we come to when the person with the most personality on the raiders is the punter?
And that’s where automakers are in a bind. Shift feel. People didn’t/don’t like cvts because there is no distinguishable shift, unless they’re retuned, and don’t like feeling or hearing a bunch of shifts and gear hunting. When you start getting a bunch of gears engaging and disengaging all the time it can start to…
The government has mandated so much into vehicles and has regulated the industry so heavily that it has priced the average person out of buying new vehicles. Should there be regs and mandates, yes; but they never take into account the cost of engineering these things that get passed on to the consumer. New car “sales”…
Minimum wage jobs are not supposed to be nor were they ever meant to be careers. They’re supposed to be stepping stone jobs to better pay and more responsibility, be that in the current company or another. Granted it doesn’t always work that way but people not being satisfied with how much they get paid is supposed to…
They’ve been talking about 48 volt for years and I wish they’d just hurry up and do it. One substantial factor is that wires won’t have to be as thick which saves weight, increases flexibility, decreases cost and so on. Also higher voltage means less amps in most cases which increases safety.
The point of conservatism is to take power away from the federal government and return it to the states and people so you’d think they’d be fine with cali setting their own standards. But both sides of the aisle are interested in only two things: power and money. So true conservatism and true liberalism are always out…
I wondered why people were so afraid of Trump doing all these things. “Do they not know that Congress actually makes laws?” I would think. Then I realized that these people just witnessed they’re beloved prophet act like a king and bypass or strong-arm congress for the last eight years and they assume this is how a…