
There is no such thing as “Too big to fall”. The next innovation of Social Media will prob. kill Facebook. There are alternatives to “just staying in contact”. Youtube have already fucked over their payouts getting mid-tier and even big-tier groups relying on Twitch or Patreon. Meaning youtube is technically wholly

How is literally “not using the platform” not a significant enough threat? I mean start shit like this and another YouTube will rise. Social platform rise and fall all the time and if the forget who actually brings them money they are doomed to fall. Slowly but surely. 

So basically “Endless runner Mario”? I do really hate games that play themselves... wtf is the point?

Easy! Unlimited Saga for the ps2

I agree with Cameron. I will gladly play 60$ for a game that takes 20 or more hours to complete. But i wont waste that kind of money on 4-8 hour game... But if it wont sell they directly blame pirates. Game developers never blames themselves just us regular people...