
How about those folks who STOP on the on-ramp?!?!

This comment is like the Rita Hayworth of comments. So beautiful.

Let's all take a moment to appreciate Oklahoma's method of crowd control: half-heartedly rolling a bicycle at people.

See, "Abortion does not compute with my philosophy" would be just fine as long she understood that her personal philosophy has fuck all to do with whether or not a medical procedure should be legal, but I'm guessing that's not the case. I mean, hell, vaginoplasty and Botox don't "compute with my philosophy," but I'm

Smart owner here saying "Go fuck yourself!" :D

Here's the one and only winning idea that would actually be winning: Full-fledged, fully-formed single-player campaign (co-op would be acceptable). At least 11 hours long. And an offline tutorial to learn the ropes before jumping online if online is your thing.

You've really never seen The Goonies? For shame.

I'm betting one could guess my approximate age and where I lived as a kid by the liveries I remember from my childhood:

"Ok, let's work on your execu-speak. I'm worried about blank".

Any excuse to share that ad is cool in my book.

i just wanted a volvo article to share this picture.

Either way. This tech looks pretty cool. Although a ton of people here will hate it. Mostly because technology is the devil.

Yet another Semi-Driver driving to fast or following too close and nearly killing someone. When are we going to implement existing technology to force truck drivers to obey the laws?

Propeller? That's cheating.

Finding a woman in these pictures is even more difficult than finding Waldo.

The craftsmanship of the joints is pretty sad.

No, it pierces the heavens.

Your children are gonna be real bummed.

I can't believe the Linksys WRT54G didn't make the top 5. It was my grandfather's router, and my father's router, my router, and some day I hope to pass it on to my children.

Nothing to see here, folks.

President Obama: You mean I could actually drive the car for a hundred years?