
Planetary zit or perhaps the Underminer.

That guy holding the crowd back at the crash tent was all like "Stand back citizens we will return to crash again"

So many Bus Drivers in therapy.

Volcanoes will only accept virgins as currency in sacrifices.

It was also my first and I had the tape drive option. But mine did not come with the Shatner option.

Should have done that in the first place.

It not really explained in the book either.

Hello......Smithers......you're.......quite.....good at......turning.....me on.

The possibilities are;

That's awesome.

"Halloween cast member Nick Castle ("The Shape") played Cabbie." I believe Ernest Borgnine played Cabbie.

I fell asleep here on my second viewing.

Excellent choice meatbag.

Somebody call RedBull and get their F1 car in there.

Pipes, tubes, whats next conduit maybe hollowed out logs.

A single kilogram of it would weigh 2.2 pounds.

Firs of all I missed it because of Monday boobs. And ya its inconsistent it looks like it has 2 heads in some angles and a tail in another. I guess we shouldn't be watching the snake anyways.

Thats' not two snakes its one snake with two heads.

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Where's the roll cage, or are those not standard anymore?