
Poltergeist simply because I still think bad things when I see TV static.

I thought Lamobs were named after famous fighting bulls.

Way back in the summer of dickety 2....

Or more like reference to actually carriers in the US navy fleet. 42 is the Roosevelt, 88 I think is the Independence.

I normally use qwijybo, which I borrowed from The Simpsons episode "Bart The Genius". In the episode it is spelled Kwyjibo in a game of scrabble, I changed it because how many names start with Q. Definition is A big, dumb, balding North American ape with no chin and a short temper.

I believe that smaller lines are shot over with a gun like a harpoon then they are used to pull the larger tether lines over. Try youtubeing refueling at sea videos some have the whole process.

Not for a very long time they haven't.

I thought the Corvair was a mid engine design.

The Black Hole, not sure if it was the human crew turned into robots, Maximillian or that strange Hell/Heaven ending, creeped me out.

There are many communities in South Saskatchewan and South Manitoba that are exclusively french speaking. And many more that are bilingual.

Ya he will probably just pay and be back on the road the same day, I think the NYPD know about this race and found an opportunity to make an example of someone. It won't stop anything but it looks good to the general public that "something" was done.

I think its more an issue of he recorded it and put it online assuming it couldn't be traced which provoked the NYPD into doing something.

Trouble with Tribbles, can't stand that episode.

I surprised at the huge gaping security hole that let all those people onto a military installation.

Double sided sitcky tape on the legs of your bed work as well.

Didn't last long but these two had each other's backs.

I just watched that again for the first time since it was released. I was too young to appreciate the meaning of that movie but now, holy cow was it a good story.


To try and prove your intellectual superiority, so far its a photo and two weak insults.

Try harder.