
This happens all the time in Forza 3 it only makes sense that it would end up in real life eventually.

@Attilla the Hoon: They film us with dash cameras so it seems fair to film them with ours. Lest the officers dash cam "fail" during the stop and be unable to provide footage for the trial.

@sktaka22381: you are correct but I was correcting the info at the 48sec mark of the video. I will add if you are outside in wind like that I'd be worried about flying debris, not about how dry my head is. But still cool to see it hold its shape in that much wind.

100k is 62mph not 70 like the video claims.

Samantha Carter, she has the know how to fix the problem.

This has always been my theory on how conspiracy theories get started, someone over thinks the situation based on what little information they are given. Then they fill in the blanks with things they make up that sound plausible.

As a wise man once said, RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

@Mark 2000: While all new cameras are flash or hard drive based there are still many older units still using tape. Not all of the world has upgraded. My parents still have an old VHS unit that still works and is still used.

@Mark 2000: They show the "tape" in the video and it is a DV cassette. Looks like a 120min tape.

Those distortions are simple tape damage or dropouts, as someone who has repaired video cameras I've seen it many times.

@tetracycloide: Yes surge suppressors will not protect against a direct strike to your home like what happened here.

@Alfisted: Not really that season of the original Battlestar Galactica (1980) sucked pretty bad.

@Alfisted: I think they are wings these bikes flew in the show.

A Jedi craves not Force Quit, power for the Darkside it is.

Did Adam Savage go as a Wookiee last year.

@armendni: As I understand it there would not be enough gravity to make it work plus anything within our own galaxy is to close to make it work. I believe that the entire Milky Way could produce this effect but it could only be seen from another distant galaxy.

@dennisj: but the process with the drum and toner are still used and are still used in laser printers as well.

Or play a giant version of Plinko on the mountains.

Before you blame the show/movie maybe get your hearing tested you may have deficiency to certain frequencies that prevents you from hearing clearly. Its more common than people realize, I personally have a slight deficiency to the frequencies that most people speak with. Knowing that I got a equalizer for my home