
@Tampeh: Homer: All work and no beer make homer something something....

All work and no games makes qwijybo something something...

Might be faked, but there is a pretty big jump in the time code between the cans going on and the girl coming to the car.

A non video video game, looks err sounds cool.

A good snowmobile trumps a car any day in that kind of weather.

Nice work but where are the pedals, looks like a tight fit inside.

I've tried this by using a squirt bottle with washer fluid that I keep indoors during the winter and it just re-freezes into a thinner layer of ice. Nothing beats a lot of heat from your dash vent.

Thats a bit disturbing, plus for such a large animal i'm a little dissapointed.

Just this morning I came across a real head scratcher. For some odd reason this woman decided to come to a complete stop in a merging lane before making a very slow lane change. I thought this was maybe due to her not being famaliar with that road but then she proceded to do it 2 more times within the next 3 blocks.

On the brighter side there is an autozone across the street they should be able to get parts for his truck.

Do you think they would let me do a few laps in my 98 Z24 Cavalier.

What a run, its cool to see a video from that angle it shows me just how much detail game designers put into racing games with that track. I was riding turn for turn anticipating each corner, which I should be considering how many times I've crashed in games on that track.

A friend of mine had had Grand Prix with a digital heads up display, which we thought was the greatest thing ever in a car. Its a shame that more cars dont have heads up displays, I would get one.

@devilock138: Then you can park in in the carhole

Am I the only one that thinks that the Luigi Colani-Designed Suzuki Truck is a prop from the old highwayman TV show

i'm still trying to figure out why Nicole has a man's voice.

We can always hunt terrorists in any rainbow 6 game.